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Email discussion lists for the UK Education and Research communities
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Biological Sciences

This list supports an international special interest group for anthropological sciences and the development of anthropological research methods and theory.

This list is used by members of the RGS-IBG Biogeography Research Group to circulate announcements and to facilitate discussion of issues of relevance to biogeography.

This is a forum featuring various aspects, events and developments in the bioinformatics arena

This list provides a means of sharing information between users of the Birkbeck UCL Centre for Neuroimaging (BUCNI) centre.

This list is of interest to researchers and educators working on information, communication and research on matters related to climate change.

The list of the UK Physical Sciences Centre SIG in Forensic Science to share ideas in teaching and learning.

The FSL list exists to support users of FSL, a large package of functional and structural brain image analysis tools.

This list will serve a growing community of researchers using GABA MRS, both those seeking to improve the methods and those applying them to studies of normal brain function and disease.

BioMaths Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Higher Education Academy

Sublist for Higher Education Academy's Bioscience Representatives

This List is used by those participating in the Biological Sciences Theme Team of the Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied CETL. Sublist of ideacetl

Immunobiology is a journal club site to post cutting edge articles; allowing discussion of the evidence and the background to immunoregulation

The list is used by the International Society for Biomolecular Archaeology (ISBA) to make announcements of upcoming events, jobs openings, opportunities, and share relevant updates of the society to the research community. Website: www.isbarch.org.

This list for those people involved in running Light Microscopy facilities, mainly in Universities. It is intended as an easy mechanism to help share knowledge and expertise, relevant to facility management etc.

mri3dX is a freeware program for visualisation of 3D structural/functional MRI. It was written by Dr Krish Singh and has over 100 registered users in the UK and worldwide. It is especially useful for visualising SPM output. This mailing list is intended for discussion and help on the use of mri3dX.

This list is for academic researchers using the technique of Magnetoencephalography, concentrating in particular on methods for data analysis

This list brings together scholars working in the intersection between the sciences and the arts including, but not limited to, sci-art collaborations, the use of the arts in science communication and the use of scientific methodologies in performance, film and dance studies.

The aim of this list to provide academic pharmacists and other academics engaged in teaching in Pharmacy with a forum for discussion on pedagogic issues in Pharmacy Education


This mailing list is used to provide announcements and updates to persons interested in the RE: Connect project, which explores teaching in UK RE around climate change and the environment.

This list will bring together the Greater Manchester community working in and around art and science collaborations. While predominantly interested in helping the university sector produce more collaboration and more work, we want to reach out to artists and the wider science sector to share opportunities, ideas, and events. If you are interested in art and science - broadly understood - then this is for you! This includes bioart, nanoart, media art, and all areas of scientific research, including the social sciences, arts and humanities. Regardless of your discipline, if you are interested in bringing art and science closer together, then please subscribe.

This list is for members of the public interested in an annual STEM outreach event called "Science in the Park", held at Nottingham's Wollaton Hall in March.

The Scottish Microscopy community networking list. List members can ask #for advice and advertise meetings/courses.

Soil is central to all our lives and is receiving increasing attention in political arenas world wide. The British Society of Soil Science discussion list has soil as its focus. We encourage debate and information exchange on a wide range of soil issues, both academic and practical.

This list supports a long-term research collaboration with biological field recorders into "Spiritual Landscapes". List members will likely have attended a workshop hosted by a member of the research team, particularly Dr. Jeremy Kidwell. The list is meant to provide a forum for persons to report on their experience in the field, troubleshoot issues, and share announcements about forthcoming events that may be of interest.

Using the email address to capture contact details of prospective students who are interested in finding out more about SWBio DTP, ahead of the project calls.

This list is used to make occasional announcements to members of the Systematics Association, and others with an interest in SA activities.

A mailing list to support a work group in the EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) funded CARDyAL (Cooperative Aerodynamics and Radio-based DYnamic Animal Localisation) project. The mailing list will enable work group members to be notified and exchange of any events related to the Wiki and SVN servers used to maintain project materials of the CARDyAL project.

List for the exchange of ideas, news & requests on Tardigrada biology.

The Circadian clock club runs a twice-yearly workshop on biological rhythms. The list is used to organise and publicise the workshops and other meetings. Further information may be available at www.clockclub.co.uk

This list is for supporting users of Diamond's XChem facility

Email list for developers of the XChem Explorer platform and related projects


>Biological Sciences
--Biochemistry (35) Biochemistry (35) Biology (77) Botany (26) Ecology (56) Genetics (25) Marine Biology (29) Microbiology (10) Molecular Biology and Biophysics (23) Sport Science (7) Zoology (35)