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Email discussion lists for the UK Education and Research communities
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JISCMail Lists

This is a mailing list for postgraduate researchers who are working within disability studies. It will be used for announcing events aimed primarily at postgraduate students. It can also be used as a way to build a community of researchers who can support one another.

Informal network of health fundraisers to share best practice, experiences and talk through any challenges.

JiscMail Newsletter is an announcement list for the service to share news, information, training and help with JiscMail customers.

THIS LIST IS CURRENTLY - NOT IN USE Discussion list for List Owners interested in training in JiscMail List Management, run by JiscMail Operations Manager, Lisa Vincent. The list will advertise webinars run by JiscMail and will provide training and information. For any specific one-off problems or queries which need immediate attention please contact help@jisc.ac.uk

JiscMail list owner training/practice list (number 01)

JiscMail list owner training/practice list (number-02)

A platform for professional discussion, collaboration and sharing best practice of staff learning and development within academic libraries in North East England.

Example of MODERATED-DISCUSSION-LIST for JiscMail Helpline staff. <HTML> Example of MODERATED-DISCUSSION-LIST for JiscMail Helpline staff. A Moderated Discussion list is used for discussions, debates, info sharing & collaboration ALL messages are checked/approved by moderators/editors before they are posted to the list. <p>Note - list description not set to HTML as standard, - this has been done to assist staff</p> <p><b>Key Features of Moderated Discussion List</b></p> <ul> <li>Subscription is normally open (anyone can join)(<b>Subscription= Open, confirm</b>)</li> A subscriber can join the list by: <ol><li> <a href="http://bit.ly/1ul4aSu"> Subscribe/Unsubscribe Request Form</a> </li> <li> Sending request to List Owners: listname-request@jiscmail.ac.uk</li> <li> Sending request to listname-subscribe-request@jiscmail.ac.uk</li> <li> Sending email to listserv@jiscmail.ac.uk with message SUBSCRIBE listname </li> In some cases subscriber needs to respond to a confirmation message.</ol> <li>A list owner CAN add a new subscriber to this list</li> <li>JISCMail Helpline CAN add a new subscriber this list.</li> <li>The list archives are generally PUBLIC (but some moderated lists may wish to be PRIVATE)</li> <li>Only subscribers can SEND messages to the list (<b>Send= Private</b>)</li> <li>- ALL messages are checked/approved before being posted to the list</li> <li>The list IS advertised on the JiscMail website (<b>Confidential= No</b>)</li> <li>Only list owner(s) can view subscribers emails (<b>Review= Owner</b>) <li>See List Management > List Configuration > Manual List Configuration for settings </li> </ul> </HTML>

A list for announcing new public mailing lists

The list will serve as the email distribution list for the newly-created Interdisciplinary Network for Nineteenth-Century Italian Studies. We are in the process of constructing a website and contacting colleagues in the UK and North America, Italy, Australia and Canada, etc., who specialise in any aspect of C19th Italy. The network 'mission statement' is as follows: #

The JiscMail team use this list to send messages to all our list owners. These messages are normally announcements about the service and requests for information. Owners should then forward any relevant messages on to their list(s). Only list owners can subscribe, every list owner should belong to this list. <HTML> The JiscMail team use this list to send messages to all our list owners. These messages are normally announcements about the service and requests for information. Owners should then forward any relevant messages on to their list(s). Only list owners can subscribe, every list owner should belong to this list. </HTML>

Example of PUBLIC-DISCUSSION-LIST for JiscMail Helpline staff. <HTML> Example of PUBLIC-DISCUSSION-LIST for JiscMail Helpline staff. A Public Discussion list is used for open 2-way discussions, debates, info sharing & collaboration (e.g subject-specific group who wish to communicate/debate/share opportunities/events) This type of list may require few privacy controls to encourage new subscribers. <p>Note - list description not set to HTML as standard, - this has been done to assist staff</p> <p><b>Key Features of Public Discussion List</b></p> <ul> <li>Subscription is normally open (anyone can join)(<b>Subscription= Open, confirm</b>)</li> A subscriber can join the list by: <ol><li> <a href="http://bit.ly/1unqxWs"> Subscribe/Unsubscribe Request Form</a> </li> <li> Sending request to List Owners: listname-request@jiscmail.ac.uk</li> <li> Sending request to listname-subscribe-request@jiscmail.ac.uk</li> <li> Sending email to listserv@jiscmail.ac.uk with message SUBSCRIBE listname </li> In some cases subscriber needs to respond to a confirmation message.</ol> <li>A list owner CAN add a new subscriber to this list</li> <li>JISCMail Helpline CAN add a new subscriber this list.</li> <li>The list archives are PUBLIC</li> <li>Anyone can SEND messages to the list (<b>Send= Public, Confirm, Non-Member</b>)</li> <li>- A non-subscriber needs to respond to a confirmation to post</li> <li>- Some Public-Discussion-Lists only allow subscribers to post (<b>Send= Private</b>)</li> <li>The list IS advertised on the JiscMail website (<b>Confidential= No</b>)</li> <li>Only list owner(s) can view subscribers emails (<b>Review= Owner</b>) <li>See List Management > List Configuration > Manual List Configuration for settings </li> </ul> </HTML>

A list for members of the religion, collections and heritage group, which is dedicated to the care and interpretation of religious collections in museums, places of worship, faith organisations, schools and elsewhere.

Example of RESTRICTED-LIST for JiscMail Helpline staff. <HTML> Example of RESTRICTED-LIST for JiscMail Helpline staff. A Restricted List list is used for open discussions, debates, info sharing & collaboration (e.g subject-specific group who wish to communicate/debate/share opportunities/events) Although subscriptions for the group are managed by the list owner, the list has PUBLIC archives. <p>Note - list description not set to HTML as standard, - this has been done to assist staff</p> <p><b>Key Features of Restricted List</b></p> <ul> <li>Subscription is normally managed by the list owner(<b>Subscription= By_Owner Confirm</b>)</li> A subscriber can join the list by: <ol><li> <a href="http://bit.ly/1BrUVSX"> Subscribe/Unsubscribe Request Form</a> </li> <li> Sending request to List Owners: listname-request@jiscmail.ac.uk</li> <li> Sending request to listname-subscribe-request@jiscmail.ac.uk</li> <li> Sending email to listserv@jiscmail.ac.uk with message SUBSCRIBE listname </li> In some cases subscriber needs to respond to a confirmation message.</ol> <li>A list owner CAN add a new subscriber to this list</li> <li>JISCMail Helpline CANNOT add a new subscriber this list.</li> <li>The list archives for this list are PUBLIC</li> <li>Only subscribers can SEND messages to the list (<b>Send= Private</b>)</li> <li>The list IS advertised on the JiscMail website (<b>Confidential= No</b>)</li> <li>Only list owner(s) can view subscribers emails (<b>Review= Owner</b>) <li>See List Management > List Configuration > Manual List Configuration for settings </li> </ul> </HTML>

A community for SU Designers who want to share creative ideas, get input, enhance marketing material and network

This group exists as a community of practice for sharing knowledge and activities in eLearning and promoting technology enhanced learning initiatives to all healthcare organisations in Thames Valley & Wessex and the South West. Membership is comprised of representatives from NHS, HEI and affiliated organisations who have knowledge of, or an interest in eLearning development and implementation.


-- >JISCMail Lists Lists associated with the JISC (57)