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PHD-DESIGN June 2009


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Re: Mexican New Science and Technology Innpvation National Policy


Prof M P Ranjan <[log in to unmask]>


Prof M P Ranjan <[log in to unmask]>


Tue, 30 Jun 2009 23:16:02 +0600





text/plain (1635 lines)

Dear Mario Dupont
Thank you for bringing this significant event to our attention. Innovation
seems to be the central thrust of the policy document although design is not
mentioned in any depth we can see that eventually this policy will support
the growth of design use if it is steered in that direction, and special
effort will be needed to sensitise the user groups to understand and use
design as the implementation moves forward.

I am quoting below the full text of the policy document in English which has
been translated quickly using Google Language tools to make it readable
(with some unclear areas however) Good luck to Mexico and its designers in
this important venture.

With warm regards

Prof M P Ranjan
from my iMac at home on the NID campus
30 June 2009 at 10.45 pm IST


Prof M P Ranjan
Faculty of Design
Head, Centre for Bamboo Initiatives at NID (CFBI-NID)
Chairman, GeoVisualisation Task Group (DST, Govt. of India) (2006-2008)
National Institute of Design
Ahmedabad 380 007 India

Tel: (off) 91 79 26623692 ext 1090
Tel: (res) 91 79 26610054
Fax: 91 79 26605242

email: [log in to unmask]
web site: http://homepage.mac.com/ranjanmp
web domain: http://www.ranjanmp.in
blog: <http://www.design-for-india.blogspot.com>
education blog: <http://www.design-concepts-and-concerns.blogspot.com>
education blog: http://www.visible-information-india.blogspot.com


Quote: Full Text translated from Spanish:


Decree to reform, adding and repealing various provisions of Law Science and

At the margin a seal with the National Shield, which says: United States .-
Mexican Presidency the Republic.

Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa, President of the United Mexican States,
their people know:

That the Honorable Congress Union , Has used the following address



Was amended, adds and repeals several provisions of LAW SCIENCE AND

ARTICLE: The Amend articles 1 fractions I, II, III, IV, V, VII and VIII,
paragraph 2 and fractions I, II, III, V and VI, paragraph 3, and fractions
I, II, III and IV, 4 fractions II and IV, 5, 6, 8, 9 first paragraph,
paragraphs 10 a), b) and c) of Section II, paragraph 12, and fractions I,
II, III, IV, V, VI, VIII, XI, XIII , XIV, XV, XVI and XVIII, 13 first
paragraph and parts I, II, III, V and VIII, 14, 15 last paragraph 17,
section I, paragraph 18 seconds, 19, 20, 21 first paragraph and fractions II
and III, 22, 24 paragraphs II and V, paragraph 25 and paragraph III, 27, 29,
31 first paragraph, 32 fractions I, II, III and IV, 33 first and third
paragraphs, 34 fraction V, 35 first paragraph and paragraph VII, 36
fractions I, II and V, 37 fractions I, II and IV, 39, 40 seconds and fourth
paragraphs, 41, 49, 50 IV, first paragraph and 51 paragraphs I and II, 56
fractions I, IV, VI and VII and also the name of Chapter II "The General
Council for Scientific Research, Technological Development and Innovation"
III "Guiding Principles of Support Scientific Research , Technological
Development and Innovation "IV" Tools to Support Scientific Research ,
Development and Technology Innovation "VII" De Linking Productive Sector and
Services Scientific Research , Development and Technology Innovation "And
Section III "Special Program on Science, Technology and Innovation", Chapter
IV, is added section 1 of article IX, section 2 of Article VII, sections IX,
X and XI of Article 4, the third paragraph of Article 9, the second and
third paragraphs of subsection c) of Section II of Article 10, a fraction
nineteenth century to the present going to be XX of Article 12, section V of
Article 21, 25a, a second paragraph to article 35, paragraph VI, traveling
in your order today to become the third and fourth paragraphs; 40a, 41a,
41b, a last paragraph to Article 51, paragraph one of the current paths to
become the third section 52, 63, and repealing the second paragraph of
section 56 of Article XVII Law Science and Technology, to read as follows:

Article 1.


I. Regular supports that the Federal Government is obliged to grant to
promote, strengthen, develop and consolidate scientific research,
technological development and innovation in general in the country;

II. Identify the instruments through which the Federal Government to fulfill
its obligation to support scientific research, technological development and

III. Establish mechanisms for coordination of actions among the agencies and
entities Public Administration Federal and other institutions involved in
defining policies and programs of scientific development, technological
innovation, or carrying out direct activities;

IV. Establish structures and mechanisms for coordination with the
governments of the states, as well as involvement and participation of the
scientific and academic community of higher education institutions, the
public, social and private for generating and policy promotion,
dissemination, development and application of science, Technology and
innovation, and to train professionals in these areas;

V. Link to the educational, productive and service in scientific research,
technological development and innovation;

VI. ...

VII. To determine the basis for the entities engaged in scientific and
technological research are recognized as public research institutions for
the purposes specified in this Law;

VIII. Regular self application of resources by public research centers and
scientific those supplied by third parties, for the creation of research
funds scientific and technological development, and

IX. To promote the development and innovation of domestic enterprises to
develop their activities in national territory, particularly in those
sectors where conditions for new technologies or to achieve greater

Article 2.

As a basis for establishing a state policy that supports the integration of
the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation, the following:

I. Increase the scientific, technological, innovation and training of
researchers and technologists to address key national issues, which
contribute to national development and raise people's welfare in all its

II. To promote the development and linkage of basic science, technological
development and innovation associated with updating and improving the
quality of education and expanding the frontiers of knowledge, as well as
convert to science, Technology and innovation in a fundamental element of
the general culture of society;

III. Incorporating technological development and innovation in production
processes and services to increase productivity and competitiveness for the
national productive apparatus;

IV ....

V. Strengthening regional development through policies of decentralization
of the scientific, technological and innovation;

VI. Promoting the processes that enable prioritization, resource allocation
and optimization of the Federal Government for science, technology and
innovation in a participatory manner, and

VII. To promote regional development through networking and partnerships for
scientific research, technological development and innovation.

Article 3.

For purposes of this Act, the National Science and Technology consists of:

I. The state policy on science, technology and innovation that defines the
General Council;

II. The Special Program of Science, Technology e Innovation and the sectoral
and regional programs, as relevant to science, technology and innovation;

III. The guiding principles and legal instruments, administrative and
financial support for scientific research, technological development and
innovation that sets this Law and other laws;

IV. The agencies and entities Public Administration Federal engaged in
scientific research, technological development and innovation and to support
them, as well as institutions of social and private sectors and governments
of the states through the procedures for consultation, coordination,
participation and connecting line this and other applicable laws, and

V. ...

Article 4.


I. ...

II. Program, the Special Program of Science, Technology Innovation;

III. ...

IV. General Council, the General Council for Scientific Research,
Technological Development Innovation;

V-VIII. ...

IX. Innovation, generate a new product design, process, service, method or
organization or to add value to existing ones;

X. Technology development, the systematic use of knowledge and research
directed towards the production of materials, devices, systems or methods,
including design, development, improvement of prototypes, processes,
products, services and organizational models;

XI. Units of linkage and knowledge transfer, the units set up by
universities and higher education institutions or public research centers,
which aims to generate and implement projects relating to technological
development and innovation and to promote their links with the sectors
products and services.


On the General Council of Scientific Research, Technological Development and

Article 5.

Establishing the General Council of Scientific Research, Technological
Development and Innovation, as a body of policy and coordination that have
the powers established by this Act shall be permanent members of the General

I. The President of Republic Who will preside;

II. The heads of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Finance, Environment and
Natural Resources, Energy, Economy, Agriculture, Livestock, Rural
Development, Fisheries and Food, Communications and Transport, Public
Education and Health;

III. CONACyT's General Director, as Executive Secretary of the General

IV. The General Coordinator of the Scientific and Technological Consultative

V. President Mexican Academy Science;

VI. A representative of National Conference Science and Technology;

VII. Three representatives of the productive sector that have national
coverage and representativeness, who shall be appointed by the President of
Republic a proposal from the Secretary of the Economy, and shall be renewed
every three years;

VIII. A representative of the System of Public Research Centers and

IX. The Secretary-General Executive National Association Universities and
Institutions of Higher Education.

Also, the General Council will be attended to personally by two members
shall be renewed every three years and be invited by the President of
Republic A proposal from the Executive Secretary. These members are entitled
to vote and be members of scientific and technological sector. In
formulating these proposals, the Executive Secretary shall conduct an
examination procedure, in conjunction with the General Coordinator of the
Forum, so that each of these individuals have the experience and merit
sufficient, in addition to being representative of the scientific or

The President of Republic may be invited to attend the sessions of the
General Council to figures from the scientific, technological and
entrepreneurial skills or who can bring experience to the issues on the
agenda of the General Council, who will attend with voice but without vote.

General Council members will serve on a honorary and therefore did not
receive any remuneration for their participation.

Article 6.

The General Council shall have the following powers:

I. Establish policies for the advancement of scientific research,
technological development and innovation to support national development;

II. Approve Special Program on Science, Technology and Innovation;

III. Setting priorities and criteria for allocation of federal spending on
science, technology and innovation, which include strategic areas and
specific programs and priorities, which should give them special attention
and budgetary support;

IV. Define the budget and program guidelines to be taken into account by the
agencies Public Administration Federal activities and support for scientific
research, technological development and innovation;

V. Approve the proposed consolidated budget for science, technology and
innovation that will be included in the terms of the applicable provisions
in the Draft Expenditure Budget Federation and issue an annual report on the
state of science, technology and innovation in Mexico, which shall include a
definition of strategic and priority programs, as well as financial aspects,
results and achievements in this sector;

VI. Approve and formulate policy proposals and mechanisms to support
science, technology and innovation in the field of fiscal and financial
incentives, administrative facilities, foreign trade, metrology,
Standardization conformity assessment and intellectual property regime;

VII. Define maps for the effective organization of care, coordination and
linkage of research, technological development and innovation in different
sectors Public Administration Federal and the various productive sectors and
services in the country, as well as mechanisms to promote the
decentralization of these activities;

VIII. To approve the criteria and standards for the assessment of
institutional entry and stay in National Network Groups and Research
Centers, as well as for classification and categorization, referred to in
Article 30 the Law ;

IX. Establish an independent system for evaluating the effectiveness,
outcomes and impacts of the principles, programs and tools to support
scientific research, technological development and innovation;

X. Define and approve the outline of the science and technology park, in
which physical space will bring together the infrastructure and scientific
equipment at the highest level, and all the priority projects of the Mexican
science and technology, and

XI. To monitor and understand the overall assessment of the special program,
the program and the annual budget for science, technology and innovation and
other tools to support these activities.

Article 8.

The General Council may establish committees and links to address the
matters that the Council deems related to the articulation of policies, the
proposed priority programs and strategic areas, and for linking research
with education, innovation and technological development with production and
service sectors. Except The committee referred to in Article 41, these
committees will be coordinated by the Executive Secretary, who will have the
support of CONACyT for their efficient operation. Participate in these
committees members from the scientific, technological and entrepreneurial.

Article 9.

To ensure the effective integration of policies and programs in the draft
operational programs and annual budgets, as well as for review and matching
overall draft federal budget on science, technology and innovation and
ensure the implementation of specific instruments of support established by
the General Council, will be a committee that will intersecretarial
coordinated jointly by Secretariat Finance and Public Credit at the
undersecretary, and the Executive Secretary, attended by the Assistant
Secretaries or officials of equivalent level of Public Administration
Federal office responsible for scientific research, technological
development and innovation in each sector.


The draft consolidated budget for science, technology and innovation will be
presented to General Council for consideration for inclusion in the Proposed
Expenditure Budget Federation.

Article 10.


I and II. ...

a) The Special Program for Science, Technology and Innovation for approval;

b) The preliminary consolidated budget for science, technology and
innovation, which will contain the proposed areas and strategic programs and
priorities and criteria for federal spending in these areas, and

c) The annual general report on the state of science, technology and
innovation in Mexico, as well as the annual evaluation report of the special
program priorities and specific programs, including assessments made about
the impact of scientific research, technological development and innovation
in the productive sectors and services.

The annual report will seek to specify the results and impact of spending on
science, technology and innovation, to support the productive sector to
identify the efficiency, economy, efficiency and quality.

In terms of innovation, the Executive Secretary will take into account the
programs, budgets, reports and opinions of the Intersectoral Committee on
Innovation in Article 41 of this Law;

III.-VI. ...


Guiding Principles of Support the Scientific Research , Technological
Development and Innovation

Article 12.

The principles governing the support that the Federal Government is obliged
to grant to promote, develop and strengthen the overall scientific research
technological development and innovation, and in particular the research
performing agencies and entities Public Administration Federal, are:

I. The activities of scientific research, technological development and
innovation should adhere to the planning processes that set this and other
applicable laws;

II. The results of the research, technological development and innovation
that are the subject of support in terms of this Act shall be consistently
evaluated and taken into consideration for the granting of further support;

III. The decision-making, from determining overall policy and budget on
science, technology and innovation to the guidelines for allocating
resources to specific projects, will be held with the participation of the
scientific, academic, technological and production sector and in services;

IV. The instruments of support for science, Technology and innovation must
be advocates of the territorial and institutional decentralization, ensuring
the harmonious development of the scientific, technological and innovation
in the country, and seeking further growth and consolidation of scientific
and academic communities in all states, particularly those of public

V. The policies, instruments and criteria that the Federal Government to
encourage and support scientific research, technological development and
innovation should seek the greatest beneficial effect of these activities,
teaching and learning of science and technology in the quality of education,
particularly higher education, the linkages with the productive sector and
services, and encourage participation and development of new generations of
researchers and technologists;

VI. Concurrency will be the contributions of public and private, national
and international, for the generation, implementation and dissemination of
scientific research projects, technological development and innovation and
technological modernization, linking with the productive sector, and service
and training of specialized human resources for innovation and technological
development of industry;

VII. ...

VIII. The policies and strategies to support scientific research,
technological development and innovation should be periodically reviewed and
updated according to an ongoing evaluation of results and trends of
scientific and technological advance, as well as its impact on productivity
, competitiveness and solve the country's needs;

IX and X. ...

XI. The policies and strategies to support scientific research and
technological development will be developed, integrated and implemented,
trying to distinguish science from technology, where relevant;

XII. ...

XIII. The research, technological development engaged directly and
innovation agencies and public sector entities will be directed
preferentially to ensure the identification and resolution of problems and
challenges of interest, contribute significantly to advancing the frontiers
of knowledge, improve competitiveness and productivity of economic sectors
increase quality of life of the people and the environment and support the
training of personnel in science and technology;

XIV. Support for scientific activities, technology and innovation must be
timely and sufficient to ensure the continuity of research, technology
transfer or development for the benefit of their results, which should be

XV. The institutions of research, technological development and innovation
supported by the Federal Government to the company disseminated its
activities and results of their research and development, without prejudice
to the rights of intellectual property and information, because of its
nature, must be reserved;

XVI. The incentives are granted recognition to the outstanding achievements
of individuals, businesses and institutions engaged in scientific research,
technological development and innovation, and linking research with
educational activities and productive and services;

XVII. ...

XVIII. We encourage the promotion and strengthening of centers of
interactive science, technology and innovation for children and youth;

XIX. We encourage vocations in science and technology from the earliest
educational levels to promote its connection with scientific research,
technological development and innovation

XX. ...


Support Tools Scientific Research , Technological Development and Innovation


General Provisions

Article 13.

The Federal Government will support scientific research, technological
development and innovation through the following instruments:

I. The collection, processing, systematization and dissemination of
information about scientific research activities, technological development
and innovation carried out in the country and abroad;

II. The integration, updating and implementation of the programs and annual
budgets for science, technology and innovation that are used by various
agencies and entities Public Administration Federal;

III. The conduct of scientific research, technological and innovation by
agencies and entities Public Administration Federal;

IV. ...

V. Linking science and technology education with the productive sectors and

VI and VII. ...

VIII. Education programs and standards, fiscal incentives, financial, and
administrative facilities in the area of foreign trade regime intellectual
property in terms of international treaties and laws applicable in these

Article 14.

The integrated information system on scientific research, technological
development and innovation will be given by CONACyT, who must manage and
keep updated. This system will be accessible to the general public, subject
to intellectual property rights and confidentiality rules to be established.

The information system also includes data relating to technical services for
the modernization, standardization, industrial property, technological
development and innovation.

Article 15.



The companies or agents of social and private sectors engaged in scientific
research, technological development and innovation may be incorporated into
the integrated information system.

Article 17.


I. Institutions, schools, agencies and public enterprises that
systematically engaged in scientific research, technological development,
Innovation and production of basic engineering, and

II. ...

Article 18.


These provide the necessary foundation for the system and the registry are
effective tools to foster links between research and its application forms
and also to promote the modernization and competitiveness productive sectors
and services.

Article 19.

The record of registration in that register will prove that the applicant
carries out the activities referred to in Article 17 of this Act for the
determination of those activities to be considered for technological
development and innovation, CONACyT to seek advice bodies, agencies or
entities as it deems appropriate.


Special Program on Science, Technology and Innovation

Article 20.

The program will be considered a special program and its integration,
adoption, implementation and evaluation will be done in terms of the
provisions Federal Law Budget and Accountability Hacendaria in Law Planning
and the Law

Article 21.

The formulation of the special program will be conducted by CONACyT based on
proposals submitted by agencies and entities Public Administration Federal
support or engage in scientific research, technological development and
innovation. This process will take into account the views and proposals of
the scientific, academic, technological and industry, convened by the
Scientific and Technological Consultative Forum. In order to achieve
substantive and financial program, the final integration is carried out
jointly by CONACYT and Secretariat Finance and Public Credit. His
presentation will be through the Director General of CONACYT, and its
approval for the Council General. Once approved, their observance is
mandatory for the agencies involved, under presidential decree issued by the
head of the Federal Executive.


I. ...

II. Diagnostics, policies, strategies, indicators and priority actions
related to:

a) Scientific research, technological development and innovation

b) The formation and incorporation of researchers, technologists and
high-level professionals,

c) Dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge and its linkage
with the productive sectors and services

d) national and international collaboration in the past,

e) Strengthening of national scientific and technological culture,

f) Decentralization and Regional Development, and

g) Monitoring and evaluation.

III. The policies, content, actions and goals of scientific research,
technological development and innovation agencies and entities engaged in
Public Administration Federal as well as the funds may be established under
this Act;

IV. The broad lines of the support instruments referred to in paragraph 13
of Article VIII of this Act, and

V. The program referred to in Article 29 Law Biosafety of Genetically
Modified Organisms.

Article 22.

For the annual implementation of the Special Program on Science, Technology
and Innovation, the agencies and entities Public Administration Federal
formulated its draft program and budget for activities and support
scientific research, technological development, innovation, competitiveness
and productivity, taking into account the priorities and criteria for
allocation of expenditure on science, technology and innovation approve the
General Council, which will identify strategic areas and priority programs
of care, support and special budget, including new seats and new research
infrastructure for science, technology and innovation, as well as issues of
biosafety and biotechnology relevant. Based on the above, and CONACyT
Secretariat Finance and Public Credit will strengthen the programmatic and
budgetary information for these and drafts for review and analysis of global
consistency for submission and approval by the General Council. The proposed
Expenditure Budget Federation Reference to the consolidated budget for
science, technology and innovation to approve the General Council.

Article 24.


I. ...

II. Will be the beneficiaries of these funds the institutions, public and
private universities, centers, laboratories, public and private companies or
individuals engaged in scientific research, technological development and
innovation that are registered, as set in the respective contracts and the
operating rules of each trust. In none of these contracts may be the trustee

III and IV. ...

V. The purpose of each fund is always providing support and funding for:
activities directly linked to the development of scientific and
technological research, scholarships and training of specialized human
resources, implementation of specific projects of scientific research,
technological development, innovation and technological modernization,
national or international registration of intellectual property rights that
are generating the linking of science and technology with production and
service sectors, the popularization of science, technology and innovation ,
creation, development and consolidation of research groups or research
centers, and to provide incentives and awards to researchers and
technologists, in both cases associated with the evaluation of its
activities and results.

Article 25.

The secretaries of State and the entities of the

Federal Public Administration, may hold

agreements with the CONACyT, whose purpose is

determine the establishment of sectoral funds

CONACyT to be used for conducting

scientific research, technological development,

innovation, national or international registration

intellectual property, and training resources

specialists, fellowships, creation,

strengthening groups and academic bodies or

professional research, development

technology and innovation, science,

technological innovation and infrastructure that

requiring the sector concerned in each case.

These conventions are held and funds are

established and operated in compliance with the bases

in fractions I and III of Article

24 and fractions I, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII and

IX of article 26 of this Law and the bases

following specifications:

I and II. ...

III. The resources of these funds must come

authorized budget of the agency or

entity, or for contributions that

laws are intended to identify a specific fund.

These resources will not matter

regularized. The secretariats and entities

provide resources directly to the trust

as contributors, the Secretariat informed

Finance and Public Credit of the

contributions. It may also be integrated with

complementary contributions of others, in

particular firms in the productive sectors and

services and agencies;

IV. and V. ...



Article 25 bis.

The secretaries of State and the entities of the Federal Government may
conclude agreements with the CONACyT under Articles 25 and 26 of this Act,
to establish sectoral funds for innovation, which will aim to provide
support for:

I. The formation and development of networks and / or regional technology
alliances and / or innovation activities of firms and technology-based units
of attachment and transfer of knowledge, networks and / or technology
alliances, strategic partnerships, consortia, clusters and new generating
companies to innovate;

II. Activities linking generators science, technology and innovation and the
productive sectors and services;

III. The formation of corporations or associations whose purpose is the
creation of scientific and technological networks and linkages between the
generators of science, technology and innovation and the productive sectors
and services;

IV. The realization of innovation projects for regional development
priorities as identified and defined by the networks and / or alliances of
regional innovation;

V. The introduction of technology management in enterprises;

VI. The creation of seed funds and venture capital for business formation
based on knowledge;

VII. The creation and consolidation of scientific and technological parks;

VIII. The formation of risk capital instrument for innovation and

IX. Other destinations in Article 25 of this Law and those who are
determined to promote and develop innovation in the science, technology and

Article 27.

The entities that are not recognized as Public Research Centers, the
decentralized bodies, institutions of public higher education recognized by
the Education Department, which does not enjoy autonomy under the terms of
Article VII of the 3rd. of the Constitution to conduct scientific research
or providing services or developing technological innovation may provide
funds for scientific research and technological development in terms of the
provisions of Article 50 of this Law dependence for which the coordinating
entity , decentralized agency or institution and CONACyT decide the
procedure for creating such funds which may be trustor's own entity,
decentralized agency or institution.

Article 29.

Projects in research and technological development shall enjoy the fiscal
stimulus provided in Article 219 of the Law on Income Tax. For the granting
of such incentives, as well as the total amount to be distributed in each
fiscal year in respect thereof shall be as provided in the article cited in
the Revenue Act of the Federation for the fiscal year and the corresponding
general rules to that effect was issued on the terms of that order.

Article 31.

Establishing the National Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation
as a permanent coordination between CONACyT and the agencies or entities of
the governments of the states responsible for fostering scientific research,
technological development and innovation to accept CONACyT's invitation to
form part thereof, to promote action to support scientific research,
technological development and innovation as well as participate in defining
policies and programs in this field.


Article 32.


I. Know and comment on issues relevant to supporting scientific research,
technological development and innovation;

II. Say in the formulation of policies to support scientific research,
technological development and innovation;

III. Participate in the development of the Special Program on Science,
Technology and Innovation;

IV. Support decentralization and institutional instruments to support
research, technological development and innovation;

V. VIII. ...


Article 33.

The Federal Government through the Ministries of Finance and Public Credit,
Education, Economy, Environment and Natural Resources, Health, Energy and
other agencies as appropriate and / or the CONACyT, may conclude agreements
with the governments of the states and municipalities, in order to establish
specific programs and support regional, state and municipal levels to
promote the development and decentralization of the scientific,
technological and innovation.


They may also be expected to provide for the coordination activities of
projects involving the Public Inquiry in support of the governments of the
states through the provision of services, the creation of linkage and
transfer of knowledge or partnership to be agreed by both parties. May be
the subject of collaboration and coordination conventions in research
projects of regional, state or municipal university or other local and
national institutions, when they are part in the celebration of conventions.
For this purpose, they may establish funds to which Articles 25, 25a and 26
of this Law

Article 34.


I to IV. ...

V. Mechanisms, criteria and guidelines agreed to promote collaboration in
the municipal support for scientific research, technological development and

VI. ....

Article 35.

The CONACyT may agree with the governments of the states and municipalities,
the establishment and operation of joint funding of regional, state and
municipal support for scientific research, technological development and
innovation, which may include training human resources of high
specification, which will be integrated and developed with input from the
parties in such proportion as is determined in each case. The parties to the
Conventions will trustor. Those funds will be applied as follows:

I. V. ...

VI. ...

The selection of the representatives of the scientific or technological,
academic and productive joint correspond to the state or municipality
concerned and CONACyT. Designate representatives who may be proposed by
different sectors, making the representativeness of the data in the
operation and performance of hybrid funds.



VII. Priority will be given to projects in science, technology and
innovation whose main purpose is to give guidance to address problems and
needs or taking advantage of opportunities that contribute to sustainable
economic and social development of regions of the states and municipalities,
the link, increasing productivity and competitiveness of productive sectors
and services.

Article 36.


I. Will aim to promote the expression of the scientific, academic,
technological and production sector for the formulation of policy proposals
and programs of scientific research, technological development and

II. Be composed of scientists, technologists, entrepreneurs and
representatives of organizations and institutions at national, regional or
local, public and private, recognized for their ongoing scientific research,
technological development and innovation, who will participate, except in
cases under this Act, on a voluntary and honorable;

III. to IV. ...

V. It will have a board composed of eighteen members, fifteen of whom are
holders representing the following organizations: Academia Mexicana de
Ciencias, AC, and Academia Mexicana de Ingeniería, AC; the National Academy
of Medicine, CA; Association Mexican executives of the Applied Research and
Technology Development, BC, the National Association of Universities and
Institutions of Higher Education, the National Confederation of Industrial
Chambers, the National Agricultural Council and a representative of the
National Councils of Science and State agencies and Technology, AC,
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, the National Polytechnic Institute,
Center for Research and Advanced Studies of National Polytechnic Institute,
the Mexican Academy of Language, the Mexican Academy of History; System
Public Research Centers and Consejo Mexicano de Ciencias Sociales.



VI. VIII. ...



Article 37.


I. Propose and comment on national policies and programs and special support
for scientific research, technological development and innovation;

II. And propose priority actions and areas of expenditure that require
special attention and support for scientific research, technological
development, innovation, research training, dissemination of scientific and
technological knowledge and international technical cooperation;

III. ...

IV. Make suggestions to link the technological development and innovation in
the industry and services, as well as the linkage between scientific
research and education in accordance with the guidelines that Act and the
established order;

V. ...

VI. ...


Linkage of the Productive Sector and Services Scientific Research,
Technological Development and Innovation.

Article 39.

The agencies of the Federal Civil Service, in particular, public research
centers and institutions of public higher education in their respective
spheres of competence, will actively promote technological development and

Article 40.


Similarly prioritized projects aiming to achieve a rational use, more
efficient and environmentally sustainable use of natural resources,
partnerships whose purpose is the creation and operation of scientific and
technological networks, as well as projects for the linkage between research
science and technology with the productive sectors and services that impact
on improving productivity and competitiveness of domestic industry.


The support referred to in this Article shall be granted for a specified
time, according to the content and objectives of the project, this support
will be suspended if it determines that the project has no technical or
economic viability.

Article 40 bis.

Universities and institutions of public higher education and public research
centers, units may create linkage and transfer of knowledge.

These units may be formed by the legal concept that best suits their
objectives, in terms of the applicable provisions, if not set up as
entities. In addition, they may project to recruit academic staff of
universities and higher education institutions, as well as Public Research
Centers subject to the provisions of Articles 51 and 56 of this Law

The units referred to in this article, in no event may finance its operating
expenses with public funds. Public resources, in terms of this Act, the
units must be used only to generate and implement projects relating to
technological development and innovation and to promote their links with the
productive sectors and services.

Article 41.

To design and operate public policy innovation provides the Intersectoral
Committee for Innovation, as a specialized committee of the General Council.

The Intersectoral Committee for Innovation will be the holder of the
Department of Economics who shall be Chairman, the Director of CONACyT who
occupy the vice presidency, and the head of the Secretariat of Public
Education. Standing will be invited by the Coordinator General of the
Scientific and Technological Consultative Forum, the representatives to the
General Council of the National Research and representatives from the
academic and productive sectors that are considered relevant, as set forth
in the regulations, who will attend with voice but without vote.

The structure and operation of this Committee will now be made explicit in
the regulations for that purpose issued by the permanent members.

Article 41 bis.

The Intersectoral Committee for Innovation will operate under the rules to
that effect is issued and shall have the following powers:

I. Adopt the innovation program and report to the General Council;

II. Apply the resources that have been approved for the program of
innovation in the Expenditure Budget of the Federation;

III. Establish rules of operation of the sectoral innovation funds to be
financed with resources from the innovation program;

IV. Propose to the General Council and the offices of the Federal Public
Administration recommendations, as appropriate, standardization and
intellectual property rights to promote innovation;

V. Opinions regarding the national regulatory framework, diagnose and
propose its application to the General Council proposed reforms to the
legislative and administrative provisions relating to innovation, as well as
mechanisms that provide incentives;

VI. Comment on the projects or programs related to innovation in the states
of the Federal Public Administration to improve the impact they may have on
technological development and innovation in the productive sectors and

VII. Propose the signing of agreements related to projects of innovation and
technological development with the agencies of the Federal Civil Service, as
well as with states and municipalities, and academic sectors, products or

VIII. Organize consultative forums to discuss the status, efficiency,
effectiveness and impact of federal programs that support technology
development and innovation, as well as cases of successful implementation of
projects or linkage of technological innovation, so identify improvements to
public policy to pursue an approach that addresses the needs of businesses;

IX. Agree that the issues submitted for its consideration, and

X. The other would give this Act and other applicable provisions.

Article 41b.

The Intersectoral Committee for Innovation will be supported by a Technical
Secretariat attached to the Ministry of Economic Affairs who shall be
appointed by the holder of the Secretariat between the Directors General
already in existence and have the following powers:

I. Propose and implement the innovation;

II. Implement and monitor the agreements of the Committee;

III. Formulate and submit to the Committee the draft program of innovation,
as well as for approval of an annual report evaluating the program and other
priority programs;

IV. Represent the Committee and be liaison between the public, private and
social seeking the views of these sectors in terms of innovation and
technological development, and

V. Perform such other activities as assigned by the Committee and outlined
in the rules of procedure.

The Technical Secretary of the Committee shall have the legal authority for
the conclusion of all legal acts necessary for the administration of the
resources devoted to the Committee on the operation and performance of
projects and innovation programs. The Ministry of Finance will support the
Committee's activities from its budget.

Article 49.

Public Research Centers, according to its purpose, cooperate with the
competent authorities in the promotion of metrology, standards development
in the Mexican or Mexican standards officers and the assessment of
conformity with them, attachment to provisions of the Federal Law on
Metrology and Standardization.

Article 50.


I. to III. ...

IV. The fund will complement the financing or funding for specific research
projects, technological development and innovation, creation and maintenance
of research facilities, equipment, supply of materials, scholarships and
training of specialized human resources, generating intellectual property
and investment partner for potential commercial exploitation, the creation
and support of the linkage units and transfer of knowledge, the granting of
special incentives to researchers involved in the projects, and other
purposes directly related to projects scientific, technological innovation
or approved. It may also finance the recruitment of staff time for projects
in science, technology and innovation, provided that no such documents are
subsequently recruited. In any case the resources may apply for the fixed
costs of administration of the entity. Assets acquired, patents, copyrights
and work with fund resources will be part of the heritage center. The hiring
of acquisitions, leases and services from the resources of self-funding,
will comply with the rules of operation of these funds, the criteria,
procedures and mechanisms in these fields issued by governing bodies of
schools as well as the administrative provisions, if deemed necessary to
issue the Ministry of Public Administration or the Ministry of Finance and
Public Credit, within their respective jurisdictions, managing these
resources efficiently, effectively and honestly, to meet objectives which
are intended to center and secure the best available in terms of price,
quality, funding opportunities and other relevant circumstances.


V. and VI. ...

Article 51.

Public Research Centers jointly promoted with the public and private sectors
forming strategic partnerships, technology alliances, consortia, linking
units and transfer of knowledge, new technology-based private companies, and
regional innovation networks in which they sought incorporation of
technological developments and innovations in these facilities, as well as
of researchers trained in them.


I. Guidelines and conditions for partnerships, alliances, consortia, units,
or new business networks involving the school, with or without provision in
the capital in the companies involved, and

II. The terms and conditions for the incorporation and participation of
school staff in partnerships, alliances, consortia, units, networks, or new
companies in question.




To promote the commercialization of intellectual property rights and
industrial centers, the government adopted the guidelines to provide the
academic staff that have generated up to 70% from the royalties that are

Article 52.


The academic staff of the Public Research Centers will be governed in
accordance with the Statutes of Academic Staff issued its governing bodies,
which establish the rights and obligations academics, as well as the rules
governing the admission, promotion, evaluation and retention of that the
academic staff.


Article 56.


I. Approve and evaluate programs, calendar and academic projects, research,
technological development and innovation at the proposal of the director or
its equivalent and the members of the community of researchers of the

II. and III. ...

IV. Deciding the fate of resource use and self-obtained through the sale of
goods or services, by participation in partnerships, alliances and new
technology-based businesses, marketing of intellectual property, gifts or
any other items that the center could generate benefits under this Act,
either within the budget of the entity or channeling them to fund scientific
research, technological development and innovation, and establish criteria
for the use and destination of the resources that are obtained in self -
over-schedule, informing the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit on the
origin, amount, purpose and criteria for implementation of its self, in
accordance with relevant provisions, and for purposes of the quarterly
reports and Public Accounts;

V. ...

VI. Generally authorize the program and criteria for the conclusion of
agreements and contracts for the provision of research services for the
conduct of specific research projects, technological development, innovation
or technical services and strategic partnerships and to approve projects ,
agreements or contracts that have the aim of establishing technology-based
firms with or without input from the center in its capital;

VII. Issue rules of operation of the funds for scientific research,
technological development and innovation and approve the contents of the
contracts of the Trust and any amendments thereto, as well as domestic
regulations, or amendments, which offered the owner of the Center for
implementation of substantive programs;

VIII. to XVI. ...

XVII. ...

(The second paragraph repealed)

XVIII. ...

XIX. ...

Article 63.

Public Research Centers will integrate the National System of Public
Research Centers, as a permanent body of representation, consulting,
technical support and cooperation of these centers. This system and these
centers are governed by the Organic Law of the National System of Public
Research Centers.


Article First. This Decree shall enter into force the day following its
publication in the Official Gazette.

Article Two. While Congress does not issue the Law on the National System of
Public Research Centers, the Centers shall be governed in accordance with
the provisions applicable at the time of entry into force of this decree.

Article Three. Within a period not exceeding six months from the entry into
force of this Decree, it shall be the Intersectoral Committee for Innovation
in accordance with Articles 41, 41a and 41b of the Act and the regulations

Article Four. The governing bodies of the Public Research Centers be issued
no later than one year after the entry into force of this Decree guidelines,
conditions, terms, conditions and criteria referred to in Article 51 of this

Article Five. The governing bodies of the Public Research Centers be issued
no later than one year after the entry into force of this Decree, the
Regulations of Academic Staff referred to in Article 52 of this Law

Mexico, D.F., to April 21, 2009 .- Dep. Cesar Jáquez Horacio Duarte,
President .- Sen. Gustavo Enrique Madero Muñoz, President .- Dep. Margarita
Guzman Arenas, Secretary .- Sen. Gabino Cue Monteagudo, Secretary .-
Headings. "

In compliance with the provisions of Section I of Article 89 of the
Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for its due publication and
enforcement of this decree issued in the Residence of the Federal Executive
in Mexico City, Distrito Federal , eleven of June two thousand nine .-
Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa Initialling .- .- The Secretary of the
Interior, Mr. Francisco Fernando Gómez Mont Urueta .- Heading.
Unquote - End of Full Text quote

M P Ranjan
from my iMac at home on the NID campus
30 June 2009 at 10.45 pm IST

On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 8:36 PM, Marcio Dupont <[log in to unmask]>wrote:

> Hello all
> I dont know if there is anybody particularly interested in the subject,
> but I believe is quite important because this new Science,Technology and
> Innovation policy was recently approved, in
>  which the subjects design, and innovation were incorporated and formally
> acknowledged by the goverment as
>  important and vital elements to reshape Mexico´s industry, economy, and
> the
> future itself.
> It is a historic moment indeed, finally design is accepted as major power
> in
> this country, a great victory of the mexican
>  designer professional body which participated as well, and great news to
> Bonsiepe I believe!!
> in the near future a book will be published in the subject through Tec de
> Monterrey and the Mexican Goverment.
> Unfortunately, all the text is in Spanish. you can read the new approved
> policy in the following link.
> http://www.dof.gob.mx/avisos/1903/SEP120609/SEP120609.htm
> Or have more personal info in the matter since I participated in this new
> policy with a proposal of some ideas related to
> design and its application in Mexico´s economic, industrial and innovation
> activities.
> we, design teachers at the Mexican University, wrote a document named
> "sexto
> eje" which was  incorporated in some
> way  to the new policy and can be read in the blog.
> http://marciodupont.blogspot.com/
> Thanks, best wishes and regards

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