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Re: US Independent Cinema


Mikal Howard <[log in to unmask]>


Film-Philosophy Salon <[log in to unmask]>


Wed, 21 Dec 2005 03:29:10 -0800





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For Gonzo Kids.

Interview With a Self Described Doltish Buffoon

We are interviewing today with – excuse me, young man,
what’s your name?
YOUNG MAN. Mee Emm Dum

Interviewer; ah, yes, this is young mister ‘Mee Emm
Dumm” and, well we’re here interviewing him today
because he is a self styled doltish buffoon…a moron, a
complete idiot…or so is his claim. Is that so, Mister
Young man: that’s right mee am dumb, stupid.  I don’t
get…whaddya got? I can be a dolt about almost anything. 
Interviewer: such as?
Young man: well, uh…tommy said they were all dumb too.
Interviewer: why you poor man…you poor oafish, stupid
little man. You look ashamed!  Tell us all who this
‘tommy’ is who said they were all dumb.
Young man; tommy.  Thomas.  Thomas hooker.  He said they
were all dummies.

Interviewer. They? Who was the they?
Young man: dug vo-terz.  Dumb dumb dummies. (plays with
toes: he’s a total moron. He’s wearing a filthy blanket
around his lower parts as a diaper…it’s pathetic.

Interviewer: you mean Thomas Hooker?
Democracy essay 

'Nor is possible that any form of polity, much less
polity ecclesiastical, should be good, unless God
himself be author of it."
Thomas Hooker


Democracy is unusual. First the capitalists after years
of subtle and overt efforts, perfected their world
state, The Constitutional Republic: The world social
police state: the "Corpocracy". 
Then the capitalists lied to protect the things and
people they had stolen.

The capitalists lied and lied about the fact that they
had lied. They followed the advice Plato, philosopher of
Antiquity, and called their Constitutional Republic
"Democracy" whenever they could, to strengthen the
public's belief in a lie. It’s like: if you got a
purpole car that was a reddish purple and sold it to an
old man who was nearsighted and said “enjoy your new Red
Car!’ after a few times of teling the old man it’s a red
car he will show it offto who? Others who won’[t tell
him. He’s an old man. Let him enjoy his delusion. And so
the deep royal purple car of Constitutional Republic and
centuries of Platonic non divergence from plan was sold
to Americans beginning with the founding of the
Constitutional Republic as the shiny, fast low drag
coefficient Red Car of Democracy.  It plodded forward
and people complained endemic of the lack of response of
governbment, the slow turning of the wheels of
legislation. People got used to complaining –
complaining and not getting satisfaction. Plato’s weird
science of Republic never had any intention to give the
people rule over their interest – what Democracy would
have entaile d—but should they be TOLD it was Democracy
and believe the lie – how much better for the eventual
rise to power of plato’s Republic as a perceived
indespensible part of world government1

there is the whole o rupmrs of so called ‘Long term
cnspiracy’ – it’s just plato goving the world
Constitutional Republcs because they are screaming for
Democracy but of course as animals they couldn’t be
allowed to lead themselves! This was the attitude Plato
filled people’s heads with before he went to the grave
and became the ruler of countless republics to rise up
in the centuries after his passing, one of those
republics being notably the nation that was called The
United States of America…

The capitalists contrived morose excuses and vast
deceptions. they lied, and then boldly said "our ways
are righteous. we NEVER lie." 

they bought and sold human lives; they seduced and
deluded as many people as they could…but there were many
small awakenings.

EVERYONE who woke up was called a liar by capitalism,
capitalism that reduced people to low common
denominators and vaunted selfishness and cruelty as
virtues. capitalism turned people into liars with lies:
its tool was the lie and one of its most overt lies was
that there was nothing better.

The lie repeated over and over and over again over the
course of generations and centuries -- as in the rise of
teh false United States Democracy --

one lie was that capitalism was not a tool of
government, but an economic philosophy. it was both.
those who knew it was a tool of domination and rule
spread the lie that it was only prudent economic

those who had accepted it as truth lied and said it was
the best way. 

But there ws a better way that bgan to rise in the late
1980s in a wave of sudden human outrage: that way was
called democracy. People the world over had an intuitive
sense that something called democracy could lead them to
freedom: the capitalists postured and decieved and it
took quuite a while for the people to gain the skil to
see throug and push back these deep complicated lies and
the liars who told them.

Domiation and enslavement of the woman was their key to
attainment of tyranny; they used this to seduce women
into accepting base, empty desires that could only burn
them out or lead them into a plummeting spiral of decay
and self abasement.

At first the women who WOKE UP to the lie of what
capitalism offered were ridiclued: inevitably they began
to band together with their sisters who were seeing
throu h the desparate ruses --

(the ruses were desperate because human evolution was
the doom of capitalism: it was a wave that could not be
stopped and so the capitalists did their low worst to
attempt to stem the tide of evolution; by encouraging
human beings to band together based on their differences
and to erode the samenesses that made al of humanity

it was the same divide and conquer tactic that the
capitalists had used for generations to make people
fight subtle and overt wars against each other, woman
against man, jew against gentile just to name a few of
the concepts of division the capitalists had used to
convince people that hate and prejudice were more vital
and realistic than love and acceptance.)

the desperate ruses of the forces of separation and
hatred began to degrade as humans continued to evolve
and realise that they were one: and their best bet for
continued improval of quality of life was to come
together in the spirit of love and sharing resources:
the capitalists panicked and did what capitalists always
did -- they lied and used their lies to create wars:
they lied and fomented hatred.

capitalists of the flesh and the spirit who gained
feelings of smirking superiority by subjugating people's
wills to the pursuit of greedy ends. they created wars
by summoning up ancient racial hatreds and saying "these
reasons for hatred are eternal and will never end." but
they were lying: and after a certain point it became

still there were steps forward, steps back. In Tienamen
Square at the close of the 1980s people were outraged
and screamed, demanding what they thought was
"democracy". But they got the same form of
Constitutional Republic system tha thad dominated the
American Continent, noth and south, as well as many
other nation states all over the globe from manila to

The capitalists lied and attempted to create a bogey -
man in socialism. the capitalists kept the majority of
people busy doing mind numbing slave labor for
subsistence wages, and calling it "work" -- it was
slavery for a unit of currency that had a relative value
easily manipulated by the dodgiest and most cruel of
economic sadists behind closed doors.

using people 's cultivated ignorance they claimed in the
1980s that socialism was a monster that the greatness of
capitalism and its proud military - industrial complex
had defeated. they were lying: and socialism was beneath
its core of rhetoric exactly identical to capitalism: it
was a system for continued policing aggression and
enslavement of millions: using their energy to fund and
galvanize a military policing system that covered most
of the world and had its sights set on space.

Democracy is not Constitutional Republic. and perhaps
the most basic fact that creates the difference between
the people's will creating adminstration of resources --
democracy -- and the small group of individuals deciding
the fates of millions upon millions -- socialism and
Constitutional Republic -- is the fact that in democracy
the people are equals: none any more right to "rule" or
"lead" than any other.

But the masses had been decieved by smiling bastards who
had secretly made deals with some of the worst criminals
of the 20th century and covered it up deftly.

i remind you once again that the role of the
capitalists, more often than not, was to lie, and smile,
and present themselves as heroes of the world.

mass murder was time and again presented as necessary
war after back room agendas and conspiracies that hid
behind 'plausible deniability" did their trick of
decieving millions with propaganda. And all the time
there was, in the American States, the Constitutional
Republic presenting itself as Democracy -- and the
American polity, the people, too duped by rhetoric or
frightened by the shadowy Secret Police, the American
KGB, to protest and make efective changes. For many
years things remained at this stalled impasse.

Those who did protest were often deeply blinded by rage,
so much so that decade after decade they resorted to the
same old methods of protesting--marching and screaming
at "polticians" who turned deaf ears, more determined to
serve their own agendas and the established rule of law
than the will of the people. This was evidenced in 2003
when millions of people and in fact billions worldwide
turned out to reject the belligerent agenda of the
GOP-led United States fighting forces. 

In a Democratic state, a TRUE Democractic state, there
would have been applied the tool of referendum to gauge
the public opinion and serve the will of the people.
Instead the GOP led Government went forward with a war
agenda some say was decided on months or years before
the World Trade Center was destroyed. There was no
referendum: yet in speech after speech the
Congresspersons and Sewnators of the United States of
America went before their constituencies and spoke of
"defending Democracy."

For all those who had opposed war and who worked and
spent money contributing to the American tax base: it
was taxation without due representation: their rights
and desires were completely steamrolled.

It was close to democracy, but different enoug hso that
those who sought to ignore the will of the people could
do so while people screamed and complained and wondered
where the democracy had gone. Many epople felt sickened
bythe fact that their tax dollars went to pay for the
slaying of women and children, It could have been
different and this is what led to the people's gradually
beginning to transform the United States Government into
an actual working democracy: taking power out of the
hands of military string men and dictators and their
lackeys and putting it into the hadns of those who would
do the actual will of thepeople responsibly: creating
tuyre Democracy

It's Sage Advice: In true democracy the masses are not
dominated by benevolent dictators who do what they will
regardless of the well being of the people. And true
democracy has been BLOCKED in its creation by the
champions of dictatorship (including the framers of the
American Constituton: misogynsists and slavedrivers.
True Democracy is already being created by people -- i
view it as an inexorable force in the evolution of human
society, politics and nations. It wil lnot be created by
those thirsty for blood and vengance, those who wish to
revolt violently are never interested in the tender
compassion that must accompany real democrac: the
compassion of people who -- at least in American life,
would rather seek ways to deal with their domestic
problems than creating a military state that seeks to
spread its tendencies al over the world.

It is a sprawling issue! In any country that calls it
self "The Republic Of" -- most times they wil lsay that
their government is a democracy and that they are proud
of it. Just having elections for representatives does
not make democracy. Referendum is a tool of vital, iving
democratic society as well -- in a democracy, the
people's opinions andd esires as polled by ballot
determine national domestic and foreign policy. If that
looks unlike what what people have in the United States,
then surpirise! and Congratulations! You have discovered
a ruse more than two hundred centuries old. 

Democracy is truly sane.
????????????????????????? ?????
so you are really stupid then, eh?
Young man: yep!  Me am big dumb. (ceases toe sucking for
a moment) but I read a lot. 

minus pompous 
i read 85-95%

"The sad thing is that the state has brainwashed most
people into accepting their life in low esteem."

you said you wanted to have a pompous discussion but i
bet you were overqualifying and even philosophically
crucifying yourself a little bit to make a point/wee
dout trolls. makes sense! the reason why it seems
difficult to talk about philosophy without seeming
popmous(latin pun?) ha sto do with Plato, Aristotle and
thoe who followed them philosophically. At first it
didn't seem like that was all philosophy -- but Plato
and Aristotle "sucked up" to the very ones who would
erase all alternatives to the viewpoints that empowered
them. it was a few philosophers deciding to work with
the tyrant class -- the ones who wanted to be warrior
kings. The Ceasars in other words...the philosophy that
empowered their political conquests -- to say little
oftheir military conquests -- the phiosophy that
empowered them was mostly the work of Plato and

years (read "centuries") passed and soon anyone who
wasn't quoting Plato and Aristotle and belittling any of
those philosophical voices of the time who might not
have directly agreed got shouted down -- which is to say

all the things that make a philosophical debate clean
and simple and fair got marginalized -- by what
inevitably happened -- anyone who disagrees with those
platonicsis gonna get shouted down and bullied anyway
even if they are 100% correct -- because the Platonists
are backed up by the swords of the Senatorial interests
of the Capitol.

but being core i go to the begining and say -- why do
you say you want to have a "pompous" discussion? but i
know the answer -- wyhen it comes to the core dynampics
of meaningful philosophy most people expect pompous. the
true pomposity, the literal pmposity of the Platonists'
attitude -- the thought forms that went on to create the
international Federal Republic we all live in now and
which is falsely called the new world order --- if it
were NEW it wouldn't need to hump Palto's dead Greek ass
to get results and votes would it that it is new is a
falsehood. same old shit for a real long time.

and the core is in what happened to people like Socrates
and eventually julius ceasar -- and all through that
period the half-truths told convincingly, of one Plato,
who doubtless sought the sort of immprtality he has
recieved -- thousands of years later people who have
never read word one of his Republic are nonetheless
proud to call themselves republicans...that and many
other factors are the basic reason why it's expecting a
lot to have a philosophical debate that is other than
"pompous" as you so put it.

and of course it is all a refutation of nihilism which
is good. Nihilism is pompous. It's absurd logicall the
whole meaning of it is that nothing has any meaning -
its core is denial.

most people feel they have been given two choices --
embrace some form of Platonist state craft as a personal
philosophy or else fall into judgment and denial of most
things - Platonism or a Nihilism that nietzche made
famous. this is why Paltomism holds such a compelling
influence now -- it makes it SEEM as do the modern
weiders of platonic philosophy -- it is not at all
weird, just old, that the white House looks just like
the buildings that Pericles and Aristotle and others of
that time must have walked about...where they discuss
Republic...and Senators...it's almost as if nothing new
has happened in the world of philosophy since Socrates.

if you want to have pompius conversations though...I
mean i can take that statement as a joke or i can take
it seriously. I choose to take it as a joke...but most
people are decieved by modrn educational procedure intop
rejecting the tools of having good philosophical skills.
that's how we got a Moron who stutters but can say
"Republican" in the white house. lucky him.

It's like Plato did EVIL MAGIC designed to make him an
immortal. how many thousands of years has he been dead
-- and he wrote a book -- Republic -- that has its title
emblazoned on MOST of the countries of the world. can
YOUR beer do that? Mine is waiting at the store for
someone with money to get it and that is how powerful
Republic is. Deleuze is reported to have said that he
sole goal of philosophy is to track down and neutralize
Plato. i sometimes feel that way.
anything to refute Nihilism, which is almost as if a
bunch of philosophers who all decided they had no ide
wall got together and threw some words around the most
vacant concept -- nihilism is all about people who
assume that here's no meaning because they have given up

but it's always in the last place you look isn't it?
"These western values, industrial capitalism materialism
indulgence, have provided us with a sort of stability
that we should be grateful for, but not settle for. It
seems to me that the Western life is lived in, as Henry
Thorough put it, “miserable ease” & “quiet desperation”.
I as a Westerner don’t want to substitute my existence
for that of a typical individual in the Muslim world, my
self preservatory instincts lead me away from decisions
that would jeopardize my very safety."

ah but you negelect to notice, through no fault of
yours, there are forces that want us to bnever notice it
-- that there are core exact similarities in thee way
that islamic and Judeo christian culture inflict their
dogma on humanity. the world you live in in 2004 might
be a lot different from the world of 994 a. d. 

but the similarities then as now were the same,
monotheism has the same blind spots and it is Woman that
takes the fall -- in all three of its major divergences.
this is a philosophical failure that we can follw
historically all around the world.

in judeochristian countries women may be glad that they
have certain"freedoms"...it may be up to those who
choose to take on the challenges of philosophical
questioning to look unflinchingly and see that women are
second class citizens to the same extent in
Judeochristian countries as in islamic. here there may
arise aa squabble from those who have become proud of
the standard of life that miolitary brutality has
secured for "their women"...you have to look hard, past
layers and layers of societal conditiong for women to
know their ole and act like they lie it or fear the
conseuqunes. a nd stop that lookimg like you're gonna
cry too. i'll give you something to cry about.

in the west women have generally learned a skill of
acting as if their position as second class citizens is
actually a pedestal they are put upon to show how
empowered they are. ad so you will find many females
arguing feircely in favor of the very mores and
practices that keep them in chains that aren't so

the thing that frightens women so about the Islamic
culture as media generally represent it is only a little
farther away from the surface in Judeochristian
cultures. and it is simple race and culture prejudice
that keeps Non-Islamic people deluded into some sort of
superiority. women have it bad here, too. they have
learned to say "there's nothing you can do about it" and
seucre careers and 'positions'. 

but it is tellingly NOT enlightened or joyous, and the
bitter resentment that many women see the world with
because Judeo-Christian society and culture are still
keeping them down has created the idea of the
'disagreeable malcontent bitch who always complains'.

often their voices are practically enlightened voices
desperately and furiously speaking out against the
imbalanced demands a sick society makes on women, all
the time "blaming the victim" and urging them to walk a
fine line that is both and neither harlot or god walking
on earth. 

this "engenders" (pun?) a sort of cultivated (and i must
add self protective) blindness that becomes a sort of
'indifference to everything' (as if women collectively
are saying 'we don't have a choice so FUCK EVERYTHING').

men classically fail to see this, meeting women who seem
to have a disinterest in politics or philosophy and
assumingh that they must be stuod women. 

the assumption is utterly incorrect and more often it is
women who have been resigned to live in a world full of
men who can only see their own tiny points of view, and
so have learned self protectively to LOOK as if there is
nothing going on...the chauvanist' mind is one truly out
of balance with any center, and integrity it could
have...showing how deeply misogyny is self hatred. 

and it does come down exactly to myopic materialism, as
the social status of women is reveealed to be -- in the
21st century, in the United States vs Islam as it has
been so far the whole century -- less nine months -- 

those who will bear the ready warriors for the next

this is the core of the religious fundamentalists -- the
reactionary and cold minds that would wage war and imbue
it with holy office. they need women to be patriotic and
ready to lay down and get impregnated with the fodder
for the next generations' war goals. 

and this has been thr practice since before there
existed Chrsitianity or islam. and don't blame the
greeks either. they werejust there.

But you'll notice the description I use is

"the religious fundamentalists -- the reactionary and
cold minds that would wage war and imbue it with holy
office." who am i describing there? the latest Islamic
Brahmin who would issue a Fatwa on everyone who doesn';t
think their way or their counterparts in BrainWashington
who generally pledged their alliegance to Republic
before anyone told them what the word meant? Like A

the edge of everything.  no, really.

catal3ptik is a rav3r

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