

HISTORY BOOKS =========>
MediaArtHistories (Digital Arts Publications **) are advancing into the
List of  MOST QUOTED  Art History books 
(Publications since 1980, source: H-INDEX, including translations,
date: May 2017)
W. J. T. MITCHELL: Picture Theory. Essays on Verbal and Visual
Representation, Chicago, 1994   (3940 quotes)
Hans BELTING: Likeness and Presence: A History of the Image before the
Era of Art, (German 1980)  (1720 quotes)
Hal FOSTER: The Return of the Real, Cambridge/Mass., 1996 (1965)
Rosalind E. KRAUSS, The Originality of the Avant-Garde and Other
Modernist Myths, Cambridge, Mass. – London, 1986  (1535 quotes)
**Oliver GRAU, Virtual Art. From Illusion to Immersion, Cambridge,
Mass., MIT-Press, 2002  (1180 quotes)
Martin KEMP, The Science of Art. Optical Themes in Western Art from
Brunelleschi to Seurat, New Haven and London, 1990  (1000)
Barbara Maria STAFFORD, Body Criticism. Imaging the Unseen in
Enlightenment Art and Medicine, Cambridge Mass. – London, 1991  (840)
**Michael RUSH, New Media in Late 20th-Century Art, London, 1999  
**Christiane PAUL, Digital Art, London and New York, 2003  (680)
**Peter WEIBEL and Bruno LATOUR (eds.), Making Things Public.
Atmospheres of Democracy, Cambridge, Mass. – Karlsruhe, 2005  (680)
James ELKINS, The Object Stares Back. On the Nature of Seeing, New
York, 1996   (540)
Gottfried BOEHM (ed.), Was ist ein Bild? Munich, 1994   ( 540)
Martin WARNKE, Hofkünstler. Zur Vorgeschichte des modernen Künstlers,
Cologne, 1996   (425)
Horst BREDEKAMP, Antikensehnsucht und Maschinenglaube, Berlin, 1993  
Jeffrey F. HAMBURGER: The visual and the visionary, New York: Zone,
1998.  (235).
Wolfgang KEMP, Der Betrachter ist im Bild, Cologne, 1985    (190)
**Bruce WANDS, Art of the Digital Age, New York, 2006   (170)
 Benjamin BUCHLOH: Neo-avantgarde and Culture Industry, Cambridge.
MIT-Press 2003.  (164)