Mobile Media and Communication Practices in Southeast Asia

Department of Media and Communications 
Goldsmiths, University of London

30 May 2017
13.00 - 18.00
PSH: 305 

An inter-disciplinary workshop focused on ethnographic approaches to mobile media and communication practices in Southeast Asia.

The workshop aims to explore the value of situating locally and/or nationally contextualised research on mobile technologies and practices of social interaction, communication, coordination, consumption, repair and use within a broader regional framework. The workshop proposes at the outset that a regional framing brings two distinct advantages. Firstly, it alerts us to the fact that mobile media and communication practices need to be understood in relation to deep interconnections across nation-state borders, as manifested in the trajectories and cultural/economic ties of millions of migrants within the region, and in the development of more or less ‘neoliberalised’ telecommunication infrastructures. Secondly, the region provides a valuable analytic frame for comparison that encourages critical perspectives to emerge from an exploration of convergent and divergent practices.

For full schedule and abstracts see:

Everyone welcome and no need to register!

session 1

session 2

session 3

The seminar is part of a 12-month training and research exchange project on Mobile Media and Everyday Life in Southeast Asia funded by the British Academy Newton Mobility scheme and conducted in partnership between the Goldsmiths Media Ethnography Group and the Centre for Contemporary Social and Cultural Studies, Thammasat University, Bangkok.

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