

(Apologies for cross-posting)

Dear colleagues,

Please find below the CFP for the 'Late Breaking' track of ICCC 2014. This is a great opportunity to submit shorter papers about newer or particularly cutting-edge work, and generate some lively discussion at a great conference.

If you have any questions about submission or the conference itself, don't hesitate to contact me!

Mike Cook
Publicity Chair, ICCC 2014


International Conference on Computational Creativity, 2014

June 10-13, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Computational Creativity is the art, science, philosophy and engineering of computational 
systems which, by taking on particular responsibilities, exhibit behaviours that unbiased 
observers would deem to be creative. As a field of research, this area is thriving, with progress 
in formalising what it means for software to be creative, along with many exciting and valuable 
applications of creative software in the sciences, the arts, literature, gaming and elsewhere.

The Fifth International Conference on Computational Creativity will be held from June 10 to 13, 
2014 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. We have accepted 37 high-quality full papers for presentation at the 
conference, which ensures that the event will be broad, lively and thought-provoking. We seek
to supplement this with some late-breaking papers describing cutting edge research from the
field. Please consider submitting a four-side paper about your most recent and exciting work
to this track: these papers will form a formal part of the proceedings, and authors will have 
a short presentation at the conference, along with an invitation to a poster session.

If your full paper submission was not accepted to the conference, then we are more than happy
to consider a late-breaking paper which is similar to the full paper, as long as it contains 
more recent results/thinking and takes the reviewers comments about the original paper into 

Submission details are available here:

Papers should be submitted to the EasyChair site for ICCC 2014:

The strict deadline for submissions is: Monday 5th May, 2014.


Original contributions are solicited in all areas related to Computational Creativity research and 
practice, including, but not limited to:

+ Computational paradigms for understanding creativity, including heuristic search, analogical 
and meta-level reasoning, and re-representation.

+ Metrics, frameworks, formalisms and methodologies for the evaluation of creativity in computational 
systems, and for the evaluation of how systems are perceived in society.

+ Perspectives on computational creativity which draw from philosophical, cognitive, psychological 
and/or sociological studies of human behaviour put into a context of creative intelligent systems.

+ Development and assessment of computational creativity-support tools, where the software 
ultimately takes on some creative responsibility in projects.

+ Creativity-oriented computing in learning, teaching, and other aspects of education.

+ Innovation, improvisation, virtuosity and related pursuits investigating the production of novel 
experiences and artefacts within a computational framework.

+ Computational accounts of factors that enhance creativity, including emotion, surprise (unexpectedness), 
reflection, conflict, diversity, motivation, knowledge, intuition, reward structures, and technologies.

+ Computational models of social aspects of creativity, including the relationship between individual and 
social creativity, diffusion of ideas, collaboration and creativity, formation of creative teams, 
and creativity in social settings.

+ Computational creativity in the cloud, including how web services can be used to foster unexpected 
creative behaviour in computational systems.

+ Specific computational applications that address creativity in music, language, narrative, poetry, games, 
visual arts, graphic design, architecture, entertainment, education, mathematical invention, scientific 
discovery, programming and/or design.

High Level Issues

Papers which, in part or fully, address high-level general issues in Computational Creativity are 
particularly welcome, including notions such as:

+ Domain-specific vs. generalised creativity: addressing how the domain of study may or may not affect the 
creativity of systems or the perception of them. This might include discussions of general, computational, 
principles related to creativity that can be applied across domains.

+ Process vs. product: addressing the issue of evaluating/estimating creativity (or progress towards it) in 
computational systems through study of what they produce, what they do and combinations thereof.

+ Domain advancement vs. creativity advancement: addressing issues of the handing over of creative 
responsibility possibly leading to lower value artefacts being produced in certain domains or vice-versa.

+ Black box vs. accountable systems: addressing issues of software describing/explaining what it’s done, 
what it’s produced and why. How software can employ reflection to enhance its creative processing and 
add value to the artefacts that it produces.

Paper Types

Papers should be up to 4 sides in length, and should be submitted broadly in one of the following 
five categories:

Technical papers

These will be papers posing and addressing hypotheses about aspects of creative behaviour in computational 
systems. The emphasis here is on using solid experimentation, formal proof and/or argumentation which clearly 
demonstrates an advancement in the state of the art or current thinking in Computational Creativity research. 
Strong evaluation of approaches through comparative, statistical, social or other means is essential.

System description papers

These will be papers describing the building and deployment of a creative system to produce artefacts of 
potential cultural value in one or more domains. The emphasis here is on presenting engineering achievement, 
technical difficulties encountered and overcome, techniques employed and general findings about how to get 
computational systems to produce valuable results. While the presentation of results from the system is expected, 
full evaluation of the approaches employed is not essential if the technical achievement is high.

Study papers

These will be papers which draw on allied fields such as psychology, philosophy, cognitive science or 
mathematics; or which appeal to broader areas of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science in general; or which 
appeal to studies of the field of Computational Creativity as a whole. The emphasis here is on presenting 
enlightening novel perspectives related to the building, assessment or deployment of systems ranging from 
autonomously creative systems to creativity support tools. Such perspectives can be presented through a variety 
of approaches including ethnographical studies, thought experiments, comparison with studies of human 
creativity and surveys.

Cultural application papers

These will be papers presenting the usage of creative software in a cultural setting, e.g., art exhibitions/books; 
concerts/recordings/scores; poetry or story readings/anthologies; cookery nights/books; results for scientific 
journals or scientific practice; released games/game jam entries. The emphasis here is on a clear description 
of the role of the system in the given context, the results of the system in the setting, technical details of 
inclusion of the system, and feedback from the experience garnered from public audiences, critics, experts, 
stakeholders and other interested parties.

Position papers

These will be papers presenting an opinion on some aspect of the culture of Computational Creativity research, 
including discussions of future directions, past triumphs or mistakes and issues of the day. The emphasis here 
is on carefully arguing a position; highlighting and exposing previously hidden or misunderstood issues or ideas; 
and generally providing thought leadership about the field in general, or in specific contexts. While opinions don’t 
need to be substantiated through formalisation or experimentation, justification of points of view will need to 
draw on thorough knowledge of the field of Computational Creativity and overlapping areas, and provide convincing 
motivations and arguments related to the relevance of the points being addressed and their importance.

All submissions will be reviewed in terms of quality, impact and relevance to the area of Computational 
Creativity. To be considered, papers must be submitted as a PDF document formatted according to ICCC style 
(which is similar to AAAI and IJCAI formats).

Organising Committee

General Chair: Dan Ventura, Brigham Young University
Programme Chair: Simon Colton, Goldsmiths College, University of London.
Local Chairs: Nada Lavrac and Tina Anzic, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana.
Publicity Chair: Michael Cook, Goldsmiths College, University of London.

Programme Committee

John Barnden, The University of Birmingham
Oliver Bown, University of Sydney
David C Brown, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Win Burleson, Arizona State University
F. Amílcar Cardoso, University of Coimbra
Simon Colton, Goldsmiths College, University of London
Michael Cook, Goldsmiths College, University of London
John Gero, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study
Pablo Gervás, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Ashok Goel, Georgia Institute of Technology
Andrés Gómez de Silva Garza, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México
Jeremy Gow, Goldsmiths College, University of London
Kazjon Grace, University of North Carolina
Amy Hoover, University of Central Florida
Anna Jordanous, Kings College, London
Robert Keller, Harvey Mudd College
Nada Lavrac, Jozef Stefan Institute
Ramon Lopez De Mantaras, IIIA – CSIC
Penousal Machado, University of Coimbra
Brian Magerko, Georgia Institute of Technology
Mary Lou Maher, University of North Carolina Charlotte
Neil Maiden, City University London
Ruli Manurung, University of Indonesia
Jon McCormack, Monash University
David C. Moffat, Glasgow Caledonian University
Nick Montfort, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Diarmuid O’Donoghue, National University of Ireland, Maynooth
Francois Pachet, Sony Computer Science Lab, Paris
Philippe Pasquier, Simon Fraser University
Alison Pease, University of Dundee
Rafael Pérez y Pérez, Autonomous Metropolitan University, México
Mark Riedl, Georgia Institute of Technology
Graeme Ritchie, University of Aberdeen
Gillian Smith, Northeastern University, Boston
Oliviero Stock, Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Julian Togelius, IT University of Copenhagen
Hannu Toivonen, University of Helsinki
Paulo Urbano, University of Lisboa
Lav Varshney, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tony Veale, University College Dublin
Dan Ventura, Brigham Young University
Geraint Wiggins, Queen Mary, University of London
Georgios Yannakakis, University of Malta