

>One of my favourite questions (which I had once planned to co-edit), is a
late >13th century quodlibetal question from Paris: 'if a priest dies, does
he have to >reordained if he comes back from the dead?'   Hmm. Wes Craven's
Night of >the Living Priests.... :-)

Such questions persisted well into living memory.  I remember that, in 1970
when I was being questioned during the diocesan examination before
ordination, one of the examiners, a somewhat elderly priest, asked me what
would have happened to the bread and wine if the apostles had celebrated
mass in between the crucifixion and the ascension!

Richard Copsey, O.Carm.
Catholic Chaplaincy,
7 High Street,
Old Aberdeen
Scotland AB24 3EE
Tel: 01224 482444

Richard Copsey, O.Carm.
Catholic Chaplaincy,
7 High Street,
Old Aberdeen
Scotland AB24 3EE
Tel: 01224 482444
