

Can anyone help me with the following problem?

Middle aged man, does football and swimming, c/o pressure-like sensation around his legs, along the border of his socks. This was about 6 years ago. His GP decided this was due to hid varicous veins and pt had them stripped. He was fine for 2 years, then developed the same sensation in his right leg only and on 4 areas: on the distal 1/4 of his lower leg, lateral side, over his tib. tuberosity area, over his suprapatellar area and 1/2 down the lateral side of his thigh. These areas are not affected at the same time, but when he has this sensation anywhere it is always accompanied with the sensation over the thigh area. 
There are weeks without problems, and then continuous discomfort for days. 
O/E: Nothing found in lumbar spine, hip, knee or ankle/foot. No neur. problems, very good musclepower, no circulation problems, no muscle wasting. Neurodynamics is very good.
Please help!

Bernadette Sangeelee.