

Dear Felicity,
	I am concerned that there are bombings in Gay and Asian communities. Not
intimidated by the public or the police, the right wing has become
It is important that groups targeted by the fascists demonstrate in public
at the bombsites. This will send a clear message to the right wing to leave
town. When these counter demonstrations outnumber the right wing, the
bullies become cowards.
	In Ann Arbor, Michigan, counter demonstrators outnumbered and attacked a
Klan march. The KKK is reluctant to return. This shows the importance of
outnumbering the right wing and having public counter demonstrations.
	Years ago in Grants Pass, Oregon W.A.R. tried to have rallies and
establish offices in Grants Pass but mass a public demonstration was
organized. When a homophobic organization the O.C.A. tried to join the
counter demonstrators, the demonstrator organizers insisted on the
recognition of the basic rights of gays and lesbians. This shows the
importance of the need for a united front. 
	In Coeur d'Alene, Idaho the counter demonstrators outnumbered the white
supremacists. In order to continue marching the Nazis needed the protection
of a vast number of many different law enforcement agencies and the state
militia. In addition, these law agencies did everything to harass the
anti-nazi protestors who came across from the US and international. The
activist found no support form the city founders. The city council hoped to
ignore the Klan by having all businesses close for the day.  The result is
the Nazis plan to return with the protected blessings of the Law. This
shows that the police and laws will not protect us from the right wing.
Only in a united front can we protect ourselves from the right wing. 
Portland, Oregon
PS.  Have there been any counter demonstrations against the right wing
If there are, I encourage you to join them and make new friends.
