

Hello everybody,

      I am doing a research on the effect of the Internet on society and
on human relationships. For this, I elaborated a questionnaire that you
may find below and that I ask you to fill in. Your data will be treated
as anonymous data, so feel free to fill the answer just as what you feel
about that. I think that filling the questionnaire won't take you more
than 5 to 10 minutes, so if you have a little spare time please fill it
and send it to me.
    I know that this posting maybe isn't appropriate for the discussions
you usually have in this mailing list, but I tried to address many
different research areas and lists on various topics, in order to have a
bigger variety in respondents' age, sex, and profession. If you feel
offended by this e-mail, which I hope is not the case, I'm really sorry
for that.

     Thank you a lot.

Here comes the questionnaire:

Check cross [x] your option, if applicable
SECTION A  --  Personal information:
1. Sex:   [x ] Male    [ ] Female
2. Country:
3. Native language: german
4. Age:  [ ] below 16   [ ] 16-25   [x ] 26-35   [ ] 36-45  [ ] 46-55
[ ]above 55
5. What is your occupation?
     [x ] Director/Manager         [ ] Office worker   [ ]
     [ ] Skilled worker/Trade    [ ] Public sector     [ ] Clinic worker

     [ ] Professional/Academic  [ ] Student             [ ]Housewife/
House maker
     [ ] Retired                          [ ]Unemployment  [ ]Other

SECTION B  -- Your Net connection
1. Since when are you a Net user?
    [ ]less than a year  [ ]1-2 years [ ]2-3 years  [x ]3-4 years  [
]More than 4 years
2. How much time do you spend online a day?
    [ ]less than one hour  [ ]1-2 hours [ ]2-5 hours [ x]5-10 hours [
]more than 10 hours
3. Where do you have access to the Net? (you can choose more than one)
    [x ]at home  [x ]at a university [x ]at your company  [ ] at a
public library  [ ]elsewhere

SECTION C  -- Your Net-activities
1. Please categorize the following services on the Net, according to how
often do you use them:
     -www:                          [ x]very often   [ ]often    [
]sometimes   [ ]never
     -e-mail:                         [x ]very often   [ ]often    [
]sometimes   [ ]never
     -mailing lists:                 [ x]very often   [ ]often    [
]sometimes   [ ]never
     -usenet (newsgroups) :  [ ]very often   [ x]often   [ ]sometimes
[ ]never
     -chat rooms:                 [ ]very often   [ ]often    [
x]sometimes   [ ]never
     -MUDs/MOOs:           [ ]very often   [ ]often    [ ]sometimes   [x
2. Which are  your main reasons for using the Net? (you can choose more
than one)
   [ ]shopping               [x ]professional discussions [
   [ x]getting information [ ]just having fun                [x ]other
3. Do you join any mailing list or usenet newsgroups? Choose the subject
areas you are most
interested in (you can choose more than one):
     [ ]Religion                    [x ]Science/Technology       [
     [x ]Economics/Business [ ]Entertainment/Music       [ ] Sports
     [ ]Education                 [x ]Philosophy/Psychology   [ ]Other

SECTION D -- Cyber relationships
1. How many e-mails do you usually receive a day?
   [ ] less than 3  [ ] 3 to 10  [ ] 10 to 20  [ ] 20 to 40 [x ]more
than 40
2. What percent of your correspondents do you personally know?
   [ ] less than 25%  [ x] 25-50% [  ] 50-75%  [ ] 75-90 % [ ] more than
3. What was the longest period you've participated in a particular chat
   [ ] never tried it [ ]1-2 days [ ]a week  [ ] a month  [ ]several
months [ x]a year or more
4. How do you feel about cyberspace relationships/communities compared
with ones in real world?
  [ ]less meaningful [x ]equally meaningful [ ]more meaningful [ ]don't
  [ ]less open         [ ]equally open         [x ]more open          [
]don't know
  [ ]less freedom    [ ]equally freedom    [x ]more freedom     [ ]don't
  [ ]less constraints [x ]equally constraints [ ]more constraints [
]don't know

SECTION E – Language
1. Which is/are the language(s) you use in your e-mails? English,
German, Italian
2. Which is/are the language(s) you use in chat rooms/MUDs, if
3. Do you think that the Net will strengthen the supremacy of English?
  [x ] Yes, definitely  [ ] Yes, in a certain way  [ ] Not really [ ]
Not at all [ ] Don't know

SECTION F – Netiquette
1. Should the Net be censored?
   [x ] Not at all  [ ]Yes, a limited censorship [ ] Yes, a strict
censorship [ ]Don't know
2. Have you experienced any kind of racial, national, religious or
sexual discrimination on the Net?
   [ ] Yes, very often  [ ]Yes, sometimes  [x ] No, never
If yes, could you explain?

SECTION G  -- Comments
Please enter any comments regarding your feelings about the effect of
the Net on our society and on human

The Net is just a tool. Like a knife it is up to the human being how we
use it! The Net and with it all the new communication tools are
defenitely the biggest revolution of our century. Within the next five
years the Net will change human communication strategies completely.

That's all folks! Thanks a lot for filling out this questionnaire, and
have a nice day!

Best regards,

Rolland VIDA
PhD student in Computer Science, Universite Paris VI "Pierre et Marie
Curie", France
BSc student in European Studies, "Babes-Bolyai" University, Cluj Napoca,