

Dear Kai

I can answer only question 1.  SPM for windows uses for most numerical
calculation Numerical Recipes algorithms. In particular for calculation of
pseudo inverse matrix it uses algorithm for singular value decomposition
(SVD). The message you mentioned means that Numerical Recipes algorithm for
SVD fails. In general this means that matrix for which attempt to calculate
SVD fails is very ill conditioned.

Sergey Pakhomov

>Problems which we struggle with at the moment:
>1) SPMwin: When running a statistical analysis of fMRI-Data with 8 Ss, 6
>conditions, 72 images per condition the program stopps before the
>callculation bar moves to >0% with a message "No Convergence in 30
>dsvdcmp Iterations Numerical Recipes". What does this message mean? Does
>anyone know of a way to circumvent this problem?
