

There's a subtle bug in the code that produces the "summary views" in the
SPM file selection window, which can mean that the order of scans within a
summarised group may not be the same as in a "normal" uncompressed view.

When image filenames do not have leading zeros, in a normal view, SPM is
clever, and will put "image2.img" before "image10.img", even though
alphabetically they should be the other way round. However, in a summary
view, selecting the group of files indicated by entry "image*.img" returns
the list of matching files in alphabetical order, with "image10.img"
appearing before "image2.img". Further, when using a file filter string of
"*", under certain circumstances the files within a group may be in a
really bizarre order.

This is only really an issue for sites which do not use leading zeros in
filenames, and select files by group from a summary view. With filenames
such as "image002.img" & "image010.img" the smart order and alphabetical
order of the summary view are the same.

An updated version of spm_get.m for SPM96/7 is available from the SPMweb
site at:

Further technical details on the problem, workarounds, and the fix can be
found in the "Bugs&Fixes" section of the SPM96 web page:


+- Dr Andrew Holmes [log in to unmask]
|  ___  __  __ Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology             |
| (  _)(  )(  )    Functional Imaging Laboratory,            Stats &  |
|  ) _) )(  )(__   12 Queen Square,                          Systems  |
| (_)  (__)(____)  London. WC1N 3BG. England, UK                      |
+------------------------------------- -+
