

>On Sun, 13 Dec 1998 Bill East <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I cannot find any precise verbal parallels between these psalms and the
>collect, but I think Freeman is quite right to point to their 
>They are, so to speak, the air the Collector breathed, they express the
>attitudes which formed his theology:  the eternity of God, the 
>of man, God's ability to preserve us from the most threatening evils, 
>'lions' and 'dragons' of our daily experience. 

Freeman makes a fairly safe assumption. As a practical matter, the 
Collector very probably prayed Ps 90(91) at least daily, each night at 
Compline, and perhaps at other times of the day as well, e.g., noon. 
Although there is evidence of it being an even earlier practice, it is 
certainly a set element of Compline from the time of Benedict's Rule. 
(RB 18:19)

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