


Recent Additions to the BUBL Subject Based Internet Gateway

15 - 30 June 1998

For live links to all these resources, see

For an extensive subject-based interface to all resources, 
with full catalogue records, see BUBL 5:15:


004 Computing and the Internet

     Browsable and hierarchical search engine containing details of over
     60,000 computing resources. Subjects include computer science,
     hardware, internet, mobile computing, multimedia, networking,
     programming, security, software, supercomputers and the Year 2000
Performance Computing
     Magazine dedicated to technologists building, managing, and
     integrating Unix and Windows NT systems in an enterprise computing
Yahoo! Computers
     Computer product news, links and reviews. Topics include desktops,
     laptops, digital cameras, modems, printers, scanners, shareware, Net
     events, games, chat and programming.
7th International World Wide Web Conference
     The program and papers from the seventh World Wide Web Conference,
     held in Australia in 1998. Topics covered include metadata systems,
     push technology, hypermedia, searching and indexing techniques and
     browser tools.
Intranets: A Guide for Business Users
     A thorough introduction to intranets covering business issues, the
     solutions intranets offer, and associated advantages and risks.
Help-Site Computer Manuals
     Help and documents in relation to computing, including assistance in
     DOS, programming, hardware, Unix, Internet, VAX/VMS, Macintosh,
     Windows 95, Networks, Windows NT and OS/2.
Programmer's Oasis
     Index to numerous resources for computer programmers, including
     languages, compilers and translators, algorithms and data structures
     and publications.
Free XML Software
     Directory of free XML software listed by type. Categories include
     parsers and engines, editing and composition, control information
     development, conversion and electronic delivery.
Windows NT Systems
     Monthly online journal containing articles and practical information
     for the administration and management of systems running Windows NT.
Image Data Research
     Links to image oriented sites, including visual arts, multimedia,
     museums, journals, image retrieval and universities worldwide.
Multimedia Publications
     A series of online multimedia related documents, searchable by author,
     date, project, title or type. Issues covered include hypermedia,
     interfaces, agent architecture, virtual reality and integration.


020 Library and Information Science

Library Link
     Library Link aims to provide information for those employed or
     researching in the field of librarianship or information management.
     Links are provided specifically for those providing library service,
     and for those managing libraries or continuing education.
Australian Library Related Organisations
     Links to Australian library networks, professional associations,
     groups, jobs and information on systems and document delivery.
Professional Organizations in the Information Sciences
     Links to organisations worldwide, relating to library and information
Innovative Internet Applications in Libraries
     Links to projects, libraries and organisations making innovative use
     of the Internet in the library field. Categories include cataloguing,
     collection management, library tours and public relations.
Needle in a CyberStack - the InfoFinder
     Large index of search tools organised by subject. Headings include
     directories and guides, business and career tools, curriculum, law
     enforcement and news.
Draft Guidelines for Library WWW Site Content
     Set of draft guidelines to assist libraries to develop web sites and
     select information for them. Compiled by the Australian Libraries
     Gateway team, based on feedback from users and experience gained from
     managing WWW sites.
Australian Libraries Gateway
     Provides access to Australian libraries and cultural resources,
     including catalogues, online exhibitions, events and image
Cybermetrics: Scientometrics in the Cyberspace
     Links to sites relating to scientometrics, bibliometrics, informetrics
     (quantitative analysis of scholarly and scientific communications).
     Headings include institutions, publications, journals, search tools
     and Internet directories.
Museums World
     Information for museum professionals. Contains a trade fair, seminars,
     news and links to museums and professional bodies.


070 News and publishing

Media Librarians in the UK
     Links of interest to UK media librarians, including books, libraries,
     maps, mailing lists and online databases.
Australian Journals
     Listing of over 1,000 Australian electronic journals and magazines,
     including overseas works with Australian content, authorship and/or
     emphasis. There is a separate list of promotional sites which provide
     Australian titles with a lesser WWW presence.


100 Philosophy and psychology

Ring of Philosophy
     Collection of short introductions to philosophical concepts and
     thinkers. Main contents are Enlightenment, Romanticism, God, Analytic
     Philosophy, Existentialism, Mind, Science, and Post Structuralism.
Epistemology, Consciousness, and the Mind
     Over 140 selected sites, articles, journals and newsgroups resources
     from the Lycaeum, a non-profit entheogenic library and community.
Cognitive Science Archive
     Selected texts and articles on various fields of cognitive science.
     Titles include Artificial Neural Networks and Methodological Issues in
     Cognitive Science. Also links to a large number of individuals with
     online papers in philosophy and related areas.
Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
     ASSC promotes research within cognitive science, neuroscience,
     philosophy and other relevant disciplines in the sciences and
     humanities, directed toward understanding the nature, function, and
     underlying mechanisms of consciousness.
Dictionary of Philosophy of Mind
     Dictionary of terms, names and concepts which reflect current
     approaches to the philosophy of mind. Submissions are encouraged, and
     all entries are subject to blind review.
Elements of Consciousness and their Neurodynamical Correlates
     Essay addressing consciousness, phenomenology, protophenomena and the
     unconscious mind.
Journal of Consciousness Studies: Controversies in Science and the Humanities
     Presents peer-reviewed scientific and humanistic papers in
     non-technical language from the multi-disciplinary field of
     consciousness research.
Mind / Brain Resources
     For researchers and students of cognitive science or philosophy of
     mind. Includes journals, technical reports, research papers and
     related links.
Mind and Body: Rene Descartes to William James
     Essay modified from the catalogue of an American Psychological
     Association exhibition. Discusses mind/body dualism, experimental
     psychology and psychology in the US.
Psyche: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Consciousness
     A refereed electronic journal dedicated to supporting the
     interdisciplinary exploration of the nature of consciousness and its
     relation to the brain. Psyche publishes material from the disciplines
     of cognitive science, philosophy, psychology, physics, neuroscience,
     and artificial intelligence. Interdisciplinary discussions are
     particularly encouraged.
What is the Physical Basis for Consciousness? And What is its Relation to
Quantum Mechanics?
     Essay discussing the mind/body problem and the scientific challenge of
     seeking the physical foundations of conscious existence.
Experimental Psychology Lab
     Interactive psychology experiments can be undertaken online, and an
     archive of past results searched. Experiments include decision making,
     logical thinking and impression formulation.


200 Religion

Religious Essays
     A set of essays about religious issues, including Christianity,
     descriptions of 63 religions, faith groups and ethical systems, and
     controversial topics such as abortion.
ARIL / Cross Currents Online
     ARIL is a global multi-faith network committed to "bringing into
     closer relationship the passions of the heart with the life of the
     mind". Selected full text articles from the current edition of the
     journal Cross Currents are available.
Religion and the Founding of the American Republic
     This exhibition uses the Library of Congress and other archives to
     illustrate the importance of religion in the founding and making of
     the United States during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. The site
     is divided into eight parts, including America as a Religious Refuge,
     Religion and the American Revolution, and Religion and the New
     Republic. Each section includes background information, images and
Al-Islam and Muslims
     Essays about Islam and Muslims, covering topics of worship, Ramadhan,
     celebrations and comparisons with Christianity.
Sunrise: Theosophic Perspectives
     Bimonthly magazine which addresses a range of philosophic and
     scientific themes in the light of ancient and modern theosophy and its
     application to daily experience. Includes reviews of significant books
     and trends, commentary on the spiritual principles at the core of the
     world's sacred traditions and insights into the nature of man and the
     universe. Full text of current issue, and selected articles from back


300 Social sciences

Sociologists - Dead and Very Much Alive
     Links to pages about late sociologists whose work is still considered
Sociology Timeline from 1600
     A summary of sociology from 1600, recording dates, events and
     contributions to the subject area. Some of the entries link to other
     sites, where events and contributions are detailed further.
Annual Review of Population Law
     This searchable database provides access to summaries and excerpts of
     legislation, constitutions, court decisions, and other official
     government documents from every country in the world relating to
     population policies, reproductive health, women's rights and related
Women in Judaism
     Multidisciplinary online journal for scholarly debate on
     gender-related issues in Judaism. Aims to promote the
     reconceptualisation of the study of Judaism by acknowledging and
     incorporating the roles played by women, and by encouraging the
     development of alternative research paradigms. It is particularly
     intended to promote critical analysis of gender inequalities within
     Jewish religion, culture and society, both ancient and modern.
For the Record 1997: Human Rights in the UN
     Overview of human rights issues in all United Nations countries, with
     links to relevant legislative documents.
American Slave Narratives
     Annotated index providing access to narratives of interviews with
     former American slaves, given in the 1930s. Photographs are included,
     and many of the narratives have been taken from journals about
Beyond Computing
     Monthly magazine intended to inform and educate corporate and
     information technology executives about how organisations integrate
     information technology into their business strategies.
United Kingdom Legal Information Centre
     Documents covering English legal history such as the Magna Carta
     (1215), The Trial of William Wallace (1306), The Trial of Sir Thomas
     More (1535) and The English Bill of Rights (1689).
House of Commons Library Research Papers
     An occasional series of research papers compiled for British MPs
     dealing with topics of current parliamentary interest. They aim to be
     politically impartial and contain factual information as well as
     opinion. Topics include EU enlargement, the Scotland Bill, the
     Teaching and Higher Education Bill, human rights and animal welfare.
     PDF format.
     Guide to illegal drugs and their dangers. Information about origins,
     effects, the law, composition, emergency treatment and risks.
     Contains a social housing database, information and topical debate, an
     online maintanance manual and links to social housing Internet
International Union of Nutritional Sciences
     News updates and links to recommended nutritional intakes, food
     education and food labels for countries worldwide. An interactive
     forum is also included, as is nutrition research and health
GEM: The Gateway to Educational Materials
     Gateway to educational resources. Contains Internet-based lesson
     plans, curriculum units and other educational materials. Contents may
     be retrieved by title, subject, keyword, education level or catalogue
SORT: Schools' Online Resources for Teachers
     The SORT project aims to produce an online directory of quality
     educational resources for schools. The prototype directory of
     resources can be browsed or searched.
Continuing Professional Development
     A refereed international journal focusing on lifelong learning. Covers
     subjects including Developing the Virtual Classroom and New Media,
     Homogenous Knowledge and Education.
Virtual University Journal
     International journal focusing on lifelong learning via new
     technology. Covers issues, research, innovation and practice connected
     with the use of communications technologies for academic learning.
Australian Journal of Academic Dissent
     Online journal intended to stimulate informed and competent
     scientific, philosophical and theoretical debate in the field of
     academic politics.
To the Quick
     Contains close readings and analysis of television programmes, films,
     and music.
British Films Catalogue
     Online version of the promotional catalogue for British films, shorts
     and documentaries. Intended for cinema programmers, festival
     selectors, sales companies and for those with an interest in current
     productions. Synopsis, format, production company, running time,
     directors, producers and leading players are specified for each item.
Screens Online
     UK film news, featuring screen charts, video charts, reviews and


500 Natural sciences and mathematics

Science Insight
     Monthly online journal prepared by the Science Policy Research Unit
     (SPRU) for the British Council. It includes a digest of news items
     drawn from a wide range of periodicals, newspapers, journals and press
     releases covering science, technology, industry, research and IT.
     Daily news updates about scientific research, including an archive of
     old stories and a discussion forum.
CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics
     Searchable glossary and encyclopaedia of mathematics terms.
Mathematics Web Sites Around the World
     Index to mathematics sites worldwide. Departments are browsable by
     country and other sites by type, for example, journals, societies,
     commercial resources.
Math-Net Links to the Mathematical World
     Range of mathematical links, with categories including mathematical
     publications, electronic publishing, mathematical software, and
     special interest group archives.
Mathematical Links
     Links to UK academic departments, institutes, societies, schools and
     centres related to mathematics.
British Society for the History of Mathematics
     The society promotes research into the history of mathematics, for use
     in mathematics education.
IMU: International Mathematical Union
     IMU is a non-profit making, international body, aiming to promote
     international cooperation among mathematicians.
Topology Resources
     Links to resources about topology, including papers, archives, address
     books and bibliographies.
Electronic Statistics Handbook
     This electronic textbook covers the use of statistics in laboratory
     research, business, social sciences, data mining, and engineering.
     Topics include process analysis and experimental design. A glossary
     and bibliography are also included.
Astronomical Headlines
     Links to current news stories and press releases of relevance to
     astronomy, under the headings of Comets, Minor Planets, Natural
     Satellites, Novae and Supernovae. A subscription service is also
     available, whereby users can receive updates by email.
Astronomy and Astrophysics Guide
     Links to astronomy indexes, including directories, journals and
     newsletters, software archives, society information and personal home
Planetarium Web Sites
     Index to planetariums worldwide, listed by country or by US state.
Sky and Telescope's Weekly News Bulletin
     Weekly electronic magazine providing current information about space
     research, development and news. An archive of past issues is also
Treasure Trove of Astronomy
     Searchable glossary and encyclopaedia of astronomy terms.
Small Satellites Home Page
     Offers an introduction to the subject of small satellites, with
     sections about relevant technologies, specific types of small
     satellites, projects, conferences, and a glossary.
Very Large Telescope
     News updates from the Very Large Telescope, which is controlled by the
     European Southern Observatory. Links are also provided to press
     releases and background information about the Very Large Telescope.
ESA Astrophysics
     A meta-index for sources about astrophysics, including news, research,
     projects and socities.
Comet Hale-Bopp Images
     Collection of over 5000 images of the Hale-Bopp Comet, taken from 1995
     by organisations and individuals worldwide. Each image is annotated
     with a textual explanation.
Virtual Sun
     A virtual tour of the sun, through the use of text, graphics, and
     moving pictures.
Treasure Trove of Physics
     Searchable glossary and encyclopaedia of physics terms.
European Physics Departments Broker
     Search facility for documents stored in physics departments around the
     world. Can be searched or browsed by geographical region.
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
     Bimonthly journal on all areas in which theoretical physics and
     mathematics interact with each other, such as atomic physics, quantum
     gravity, statistical mechanics, algebraic geometry and quantum groups.
     Aimed at theoretical and mathematical physicists and mathematicians.
XCOM: Photon Cross Sections Database
     A web database which can be used to calculate photon cross sections
     for scattering, photoelectric absorption and pair production, as well
     as total attenuation coefficients, in any element, compound or
     mixture, at energies from 1 keV to 100 GeV.
Atomic Physics on the Internet
     Links to academic departments, institutes and publications concerned
     with atomic physics.
Glossary of Nuclear Terms
     Defined list of nuclear terminology.
Nuclear and Government Related Servers
     Index to worldwide agencies relating to nuclear energy, and to
     associated journals and reviews.
Particle Physics
     An electronic information service covering the fields of experimental
     and theoretical particle physics (including cosmology). The service
     interfaces to the established public domain preprint servers,
     providing independent listings and access to them.
Chemical Mailing Lists
     Annotated index of chemistry related mailing lists. Subjects covered
     include astrophysical chemistry, electrophoresis, neural networks,
     radiochemistry and organic chemistry.
Chemistry Teaching Resources
     Links to resources for teaching chemistry, including online courses,
     journals, periodic tables and textbooks.
Treasure Trove of Chemistry
     Searchable glossary and encyclopaedia of chemistry terms.
Chemistry Societies Network Gateway
     Provides links to chemistry societies, teaching resources, conference
     information, chemistry services, news and chemistry-related
     businesses. A search facility is provided, as are more general
     chemistry links and a current awareness service.
     ChemSketch is a free program designed to assist in drawing chemical
     structures and providing a 3-D view.
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Structure Index
     This index is provided as a special publication of the American
     National Institute of Standards and Technology. It is presented as an
     aid in the identification of the chemical structures and nomenclature
     of 660 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The database may be searched
     by name and/or molecular weight.
Thermal Ignition Tutorial
     This tutorial introduces students to the basics of thermal ignition
     and explains two theories used to describe it; Semenov and
     Frank-Kamenetskii. Includes virtual lectures, examples and questions.
     A list of sources is also provided.
Beginner's Guide to Organic Synthesis
     A guide to organic synthesis, including chapters on Grignard
     Reactions, Linear Synthesis and Convergent Synthesis.
ETOC: Electronic Conferences on Trends in Organic Chemistry
     Proceedings and papers from ETOC, covering physical organic,
     mechanistic and biological subject areas.
     A search engine for those in geo-environmental professions, covering
     the topics of geotechnology, environment, hydrogeology, geology,
     mining and petroleum. Searchable indexes of related companies,
     associations, educational establishments and governmental departments
     are also available.
Glossary of Oceanography and the Related Geosciences
     Cross-referenced glossary of oceanography and geosciences, with
     appendices listing books in physical, biological, chemical and
     geological oceanography.
Current Research in Earth Sciences
     Peer-reviewed journal covering a range of topics in earth science,
     with special emphasis on topics relating to the US mid-continent and
     Kansas geoscience. Full text articles are available.
Online Biology Book
     The online biology book provides a regularly updated illustrated
     introduction to several biology topics, with chapters covering cell
     division, photosynthesis, human genetics, the respiratory system,
     plants and their structure, animal cells and tissues, biological
     diversity and the.development of evolutionary theory.
Cell and Molecular Biology Online
     An index to biology-related Internet resources, classified into
     electronic publications, educational resources, methods and protocols,
     current research, and professional societies and organizations.
Polymerase Chain Reaction Core Documents
     Set of documents relating to the use and theory of the polymerase
     chain reaction (PCR), which facilitates the identification of precise
     segments of DNA and accurately reproduces millions of copies of the
     given segment in a short period of time.
Seeing, Hearing and Smelling the World
     Research and information about the science of sensory systems,
     covering seeing, hearing, smelling and brain scans.
     Trial access to full content of the journal Genetics, including all
     figures and tables. Searchable by keyword, with hyperlinks from cited
     references to Medline and to the full text of many other online
     journals. Focus is on research in genetics and related scientific
Microbial World
     An educational resource covering bacteria, fungi, viruses, biological
     control, environmental microbiology, disease of plants, human and
     animals. It provides illustrated profiles of microorganisms in 28
     categories, such as slime moulds, penicillin and other antibiotics,
     airborne microorganisms, yeasts and yeast like fungi, lichens and
Tropical Butterflies at the London Butterfly House
     Photographs and descriptions of tropical butterflies, arranged by
     geographical region.
Hydroecology and Fish Biology
     Details of research projects, presentations and publications from the
     New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. The four main
     sections are Watershed Biodiversity, Conservation Sturgeon of the
     Hudson River, Aquatic Systems Analysis and New York Fisheries.
Amphibian Count Database
     Compilation of amphibian counts from published studies with further
     statistical analysis. The aim of the project is to assist researchers
     by providing a statistical starting place for their calculations, for
     example in relation to sample sizes.
Obsolete English Names of North American Birds and Their Modern Equivalents
     An extensive list of English and scientific names of North American
     birds, designed to assist researchers studying museum specimens of
     birds (or ectoparasites found on birds).


600 Technology (applied sciences)

Annual Review of Biological and Medical Sciences
     Trial access to the full content of all Annual Reviews' biomedical
     series (Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics, Immunology, Medicine,
     and 12 others), including all figures and tables. Text is searchable
     by keyword, and the cited references include hyperlinks to Medline and
     to the full text of many other online journals.
Internet Journal of Health Promotion
     Journal and discussion forum for health promotion and research. Aims
     to provide an innovative approach to contemporary health issues and
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
     Monthly online journal relating to applied and environmental
     microbiology, covering topics such as genetics, molecular biology,
     mycology, physiology and enzymes. Back issues are also available.
Multiple Sclerosis: Clinical and Laboratory Research
     Selected issues of the bi-monthly multiple sclerosis journal from 1997
     onwards. Focuses on the aetiology and pathogenesis of demyelinating
     and inflammatory diseases of the CNS and the application of these
     studies to scientifically-based therapy.
Primary Care Psychiatry
     Journal addressing all aspects of the treatment of psychiatric
     patients in general practice from low level depression and sleep
     disorders to severe conditions such as schizophrenia. Includes review
     articles, research papers, book reviews and debates. Site gives access
     to contents and abstracts for all issues, and to the full-text
     articles of sample issues.
Basics of Design Engineering
     Introduction to design engineering, including chapters on motion
     control, CAD/CAM, materials, mechanical systems, fluid power,
     electronic and electrical issues, fastening and joining, training and
British Crop Protection Council
     The BCPC aims to inform and influence decision makers, the scientific
     community, farmers, advisers and the general public about issues which
     affect crop protection as a key component of agriculture, horticulture
     and food production.
Unasylva: An International Journal of Forestry and Forest Industries
     Quarterly international journal containing articles on all aspects of
     forestry. Topics include policy and planning, conservation and
     management of forest-based plants and animals, rural socio-economic
     development, species improvement, industrial development,
     international trade and environmental impact.
     Equestrian information, including news and articles on horse care,
     events, riding, showing and legal issues.
Biscuit, Cake, Chocolate and Confectionery Alliance
     Food industry trade association, of which many UK confectionery
     companies are a member. Information given includes industry facts and
     figures, conference and training details.
Food Resource
     The Food Resource aims to provide access to images, documents and
     other food references via the Internet. Categories include
     associations and organisations, nutrition, fruits, safety and
Knowledge Management Resources
     List of resources on knowledge management, which is a systematic
     approach to managing and leveraging an organisation's knowledge asset.
     Organised into books, articles, journals and reports.
Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning
     Access to knowledge management materials including a virtual library,
     online discussion forum, papers, articles, books and bibliographies.
Industry Council for Packaging and the Environment
     Range of information about packaging in the food industry. Topics
     include environmental issues, legislation and research.
Transgenica: Topics in Clinical Biotechnology
     Selection of articles on biotechnology research, particularly in
     relation to clinical diagnostics and therapeutics. Aims to promote
     communication among medical researchers in the field of biotechnology.
     Bakery resource including classified advertisements, articles, bakery
     buyer's guide, magazine, news, associations, industry data, product
     line and company information.
AMM Online
     International daily business news service covering the metals and
     recycling industries, with up-to-date prices of 1,700 industrial
     materials. Covers metals markets from mining to production,
     distribution to manufacturing, recycling to reuse.
Apparel Industry Magazine
     Journal for the apparel and sewn products industry. Covers issues,
     trends and products for manufacturing. Issues from 1997 onwards
     available online.


700 The arts

National Gallery
     Houses the UK national collection of Western European painting: over
     2,300 pictures dating from 1260 to 1900. Site provides news,
     information on collections, exhibitions, special events, general
     information and a number of electronic images.
FontSite: Digital Typography and Design
     A magazine for type and graphics professionals which includes a
     bibliography and related links.
Computer Music and Midi
     Links to musical resources involving computers.
Music Research and Music Theory
     Links to resources about musical research and theory.
Treasure Trove of Music
     Searchable glossary and encyclopaedia of musical terms, subdivided
     into music history, instruments and music theory.
History of Jazz
     Part of the Jazz Central Station site, which has information about
     artists, events and the radio. Sections include jazz roots, big band
     sounds, New Orleans, the first jazz records, individual artists and
     bands, and the development of the music. Some sections include audio
Royal National Theatre of Great Britain
     Britain's national theatre company, based on the South Bank in London.
     Provides details of productions, press releases, performance calendar,
     discussion forum and general information.


800 Literature and rhetoric

Books Today
     Guide to new fiction, non-fiction and poetry in print and audio and
     multimedia materials. Provides news, a literary gazetteer, and links
     to author pages and UK publishers.
Brevity: A Journal of Brief Literary Nonfiction
     Bi-annual journal devoted to micro-essays: concise creative
     non-fiction prose of less than 750 words, focusing on intimate detail
     and subjective point-of-view.
Gateway to Scottish Authors
     Bibliographies of Scottish authors, some of which includes original
     writing. Authors include William Alexander, James Bridie, Robert
     Burns, Jessie Kesson and Sir Walter Scott.
Readerly / Writerly Texts
     Early issues of the online journal. Contains essays on literature,
     literary and textual criticism, and pedagogy.
Irish Literature / Local Ireland
     News and information about the Irish literary scene past and present,
     with an emphasis on discussion and participation by users. Includes
     links to some electronic texts.


900 Geography and history

Assemblage: Sheffield Graduate Journal of Archaeology
     This journal is primarily for graduates, with the aim of providing
     experience in writing and publishing academic works in archaeology. It
     includes peer-reviewed research papers, news from the archaeology
     field and reviews.
Glossary of Archaeological Terms
     An alphabetical list of archaeology related terms, with definitions.
Teaching Archaeometry
     Provides information designed for those teaching archaeological
     sciences to undergraduates. It provides definitions of the subject
     area, links to web resources for teaching and syllabi from various
     countries. Also included is a forum on teaching archaeometry.
Directory of British Archaeology
     Directory of over 700 archaeology organisations, indexed by region,
     with contact details and a brief description for all organisations.
Archaeology in Hampshire
     Provides archaeological advice and supports archaeological contractors
     in carrying out archaeological projects. Brief details about Hampshire
     surveys and an index of local sites by district and by period are
Chester Archaeology
     Information about services and publications and brief details of
     current projects.
Glasgow University Archaeology Research Division
     Involved in projects varying from rescue excavations to sustained
     research studies. Includes interim reports from current projects
     around Scotland.
Centre for Roman Studies Gateway to the Internet
     A set of links to resources relating to the Roman world.
Gaius Julius Caesar - A Biography
     Biography of Julius Caesar with sections on his youth, the Gallic War,
     civl war, reforms and assassination, as well as a bibliography and
     links to some of the source material.
Holocaust / Shoah
     Links to holocaust related resources, including organisations,
     archives, conferences and documents.
Face of Russia
     Cultural and historical information on Russia from 850AD to the
     present time. Includes an interactive time line, reference section and
     discussion forums, covering medieval Russia, the Ukraine and Russian
Internet Resources for the Anglo-Saxon World
     An index of Anglo-Saxon resources. Headings include history and
     archaeology, language and documents, and discussion groups.
Life of Edward the Confessor
     An illustrated Anglo-Norman verse, written in England in the late
     1230s or early 1240s, and preserved in this manuscript from 1250-60. A
     masterpiece of mid thirteenth-century English illumination, the
     present manuscript preserves evidence for the study of the
     hagiographical writings about St Edward sponsored by Henry III
     (1216-72), and also for the complexity and sophistication of English
     pen and wash narrative art in this period.
African American Mosaic
     Exhibition containing introductory and in-depth information about the
     history and culture of black Americans. It includes sections on
     colonisation and the abolition of slavery, with images and
Internet African American History Challenge
     Profiles of some of the most famous African Americans, including
     Alexander Crummell, Frederick Douglass, Henry McNeal Turner, Mary
     Elizabeth Boswer and Richard Allen. Three levels of quiz with regard
     to the profiles are also included.
Exploring Amistad
     A collection of information about the Amistad Revolt of 1839-1842,
     including an overview of the revolt, a timeline which follows the
     journey of the ship, teaching materials, historical documents,
     numerous images and photographs, and an ongoing discussion forum.
Nineteenth Century Documents Project
     A collection of transcripts from 19th century North America. There is
     an emphasis on speeches and events related to conflict and the
     reshaping of regional identities. Topics covered include slavery,
     politics and war.
Martin Luther King Papers Project
     A set of primary and secondary documents written about the life of
     Martin Luther King. Biographies, a chronology, articles and
     photographs are included, and a selection of Martin Luther King's own
Australia's Cultural Network
     Coordinates and connects Australia's online cultural services and
     activities. Includes a cultural website finder, which offers a
     directory of archives, festivals, film and video, galleries,
     government, indigenous heritage, libraries, literature, museums,
     music, natural heritage, magazines, performing arts, radio and
     television, science and sport resources.

Alan Dawson
BUBL Information Service
Email:  [log in to unmask]
Phone:  0141 548 4752
