

Peter Riley wrote:
>  I do get the impression that Birthday Letters might be
> the best he has ever written. 

One thing I noticed in a couple of the poems printed (with crass gossipy
notes) in the Times was that the poems are strong where I'd always
thought Hughes was weak - precise evocation of people, houses, clothes. 
Before, I'd always thought he did so many animals because he  just
wasn't good at people and the social world (remember the terrible
sub-Laurentian Gaudete). But the description of fifties England, and of
Sylvia when he first met her seemed very good indeed.

Has anyone read the whole book yet? I gave up with the Times because i
was so annoyed by the soapy headlines they gave each poem : Demons start
to niggle, for instance, in place of Hughes's own more restrained "55

George Simmers

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