

>Is this a confluence of spaces? Is an alternative space being created?
>A more "valid", even "authentic" space? Do the Readers give a text
>integrity? Somehow there seems to be an irreconcilable contradiction
>between list discourse and editorial stasis. And then, rejection on
>board, the failed poet - free will in hand - can take to the
>cyberwaves and post anyway, (no hard feelings, head held high, better
>luck next time, "stupid idea anyway" etc). Why bother getting it
>"judged" in the first place? Who cares if it carries the stamp of
>approval? I have major problems with this concept.

There have already been interesting replies to this. I am grateful for
Peter Larkin's remarks in particular.

I see nothing wrong with confluent, hybrid, evolving, complex, manifold spaces.

Does (any) publication give a text integrity? Why submit to a magazine? Why
edit one?

I see this this as a mechanism; the (maga/web)zine as a machine made of
negotiated, (more) visible editorial gestures and inscriptions, as opposed
to the private or established forms of authority which we have absorbed ...

>and yes, some contradictions are entirely absorbable...

... internalized, as the contradictions we live and work by.

>Well, as a thing-in-itself - art in the making(?) - it places itself
>beyond "objections". It seems designed to absorb critical
>appraisal. But maybe that's what experimentation is (can be?) about?

Maybe, or maybe sometimes, in the case of experimentation, but in the case
of pURL, definitely.

>I just wonder, along with related wonderings, whether we'll get enough
>submissions.  If there're already ten or so readers, there can't be -so-

We start here, but anyone, anywhere could 'hear' about this machine. There
are two submissions to date. I guess there will be more.

Lurkers, please submit ..... BUT ....

if you are interested in the possibilities of creating metonymic/allusional
as well as a metaphoric net (of) work and comment(ary) *without
necessarily* the immediate intrusion of the associative complexes of
biographies/proper names, then ....

DO NOT do what Keston just did ('either way...' -- unless it's what you
mean to do. Do not submit to pURL and 'cc' to the list (or 'bcc'). Under
current 'articles' this prevents the possibility of anonymity for the
writer and disqualifies the submission. I.e. anything already (or
simultaneously) submitted to the list will not be forwarded to pURL readers.
