

I'm new member of this list from North Finland,  from University of
At the moment I'm doing my MA dissertation on Vittoria Colonna, italian
noble woman. 
I want to continue my studies about religious
women at reformation era. My research interest is in 
religious women's relationship with  religion and
reformation. How did reformation effected to their lives and how did it
changed it. Mainly I would like to concentrate on italian women. I will go
to England at next February/March -97 to collect material for that. As I'm
at the very beginning of my research all possible help is more than
welcomed. I don't know what kind of  sources can be found in England  and
where. I think I should start with women writers.
Later I'm also going to Italy to find material.
I also  would like to find persons who have same kind of research

Jaana Potkonen
University of Oulu, Finland
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