

Brian and Bärbel,

Thanks for the suggestions...

I went ahead and re-installed XQuartz (2.7.11). NMRDraw, which uses X11, still works. However, I'm still getting the same tkinter.TclError when running analysis. With the error, comes a small window without any text, which I guess I would expect based on the error.

I should say that I've also tried setting the environment for DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, TCL_LIBRARY, and TK_LIBRARY in my .cshrc to the distributions included with analysis, but that did not make a difference. Also, I use MacPorts to manage linux libraries on my Mac. The versions of tcl, tk, and xorg-libX11 installed through MacPorts are are 8.6.10, 8.6.10, and 1.6.9, respectively. I don't think this should matter since analysis is running tcl/tk it came with/was compiled with, but I never know...

Other thoughts?

Thanks again for your help!!!


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