

Dear Anderson, 

I tried doing as you suggested, but now I am getting errors from some of the libraries:

Reading design matrix and contrasts.
Elapsed time parsing inputs: ~ 86.4626 seconds.
Number of possible permutations is exp(728.92).
Generating 10000 shufflings (permutations only).
Building null distribution.
0.0025%	 [Design 1/1, Contrast 1/4, Shuffling 1/10000, Modality 1/1]
	 Saving file: /Users/leonardotozzi/Desktop/palmtest/sub-conn020_emo_dat_tstat_c1
Error using xmltree ([log in to unmask]:40)
Invalid MEX-file [log in to unmask]: dlopen([log in to unmask], 6): Library not loaded: @loader_path/libmex.dylib
  Referenced from: [log in to unmask]
  Reason: image not found.

Error in palm_ciftiwrite (/Users/leonardotozzi/Documents/MATLAB/palm-alpha111/palm_ciftiwrite.m:73->xmltree)
Error in palm_miscwrite (/Users/leonardotozzi/Documents/MATLAB/palm-alpha111/palm_miscwrite.m:79->palm_ciftiwrite)
Error in palm_quicksave (/Users/leonardotozzi/Documents/MATLAB/palm-alpha111/palm_quicksave.m:163->palm_miscwrite)
Error in palm_core (/Users/leonardotozzi/Documents/MATLAB/palm-alpha111/palm_core.m:1569->palm_quicksave)
Error in palm (/Users/leonardotozzi/Documents/MATLAB/palm-alpha111/palm.m:81->palm_core)

Any suggestions? Also, if PALM is not suited for this process, would you suggest something else for computing task activations from CIFTI (besides adapting all the data to the HCP pipelines). 
Thank you, 

Leonardo Tozzi


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