

Cosimo I de' Medici (1519-1574), first Grandduke of Tuscany, was both a consummate administrator and a fierce patron of the arts. The lecture series Cosimo I De' Medici and Granducal Florence celebrates the 500th anniversary of Cosimo I de' Medici's birth by bringing together scholars from across the humanities to discuss Cosimo's achievements in art, architecture, statecraft, and culture.

Wednesday 27 November 2019: 5.30pm: Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB
Oscar Schiavone (Durham University): 'Cosimo's Tuscany: territorial control, local administration and culture (1547-61)'
This paper analyses duke Cosimo I de' Medici's administration and personal use of the Tuscan territory. It does so by focusing on a series of measures designed to enhance the security, prosperity and safety of coastal Tuscany and enacted between 1547 and 1561 by a local magistracy, the Ufficio dei fossi, under the supervision of its first provveditore, the Florentine polymath and bureaucrat Luca Martini. To celebrate the renovation of Pisa, the reclamation of its countryside and the improvement of its maritime activities, Martini commissioned and helped design artworks representing duke Cosimo's beneficent rule as conducive to stability and abundance.


A series of events marking the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci's death, organised and supported by the Italian Cultural Institute, the Warburg Institute, the University of Kent, and the Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory at the Institute of Modern Languages Research.

Monday 2 December 2019: 6.00pm: Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB
Painter Humphrey Ocean (RA) and sculptor Phillip King. Chair: Ben Thomas (University of Kent Canterbury): 'Leonardo's "Paragone" and Contemporary Art'
Leonardo da Vinci argued that 'the sculptor undertakes his work with greater bodily exertion than the painter' and that sculpture is 'an extremely mechanical operation, generally accompanied by great sweat which mingles with dust and becomes converted into mud'. By contrast, the painter is a cultured intellectual wearing fine cloths and painting to the accompaniment of music and poetry recitals. Partly made for comic effect, Leonardo's arguments for the superiority of painting over sculpture - the so-called Paragone debates - are at the heart of his conception of the visual arts. A deeper reading of Leonardo's arguments reveals his profound interest in sculptural problems, and an awareness that pictorial challenges, like creating the appearance of relief on a flat surface ('rilievo'), require, a knowledge of sculptural form. To what extent are these questions and concerns relevant to the practice of the visual arts today? Leading contemporary artists will reprise Leonardo's arguments, relating them to their own practice.


Monday 16 December 2019: 6.00pm: Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB
Professor John Prag (Emeritus, University of Manchester). Chair: Bill Sherman (Director, Warburg Institute): 'Aby Warburg's Leonardo Lectures: A Reconstruction'
A reading of a special translation - the first in English - of Aby Warburg's foundational lectures on Leonardo da Vinci, along with an exhibition of items from his original accompanying photographic exhibition. The Warburg Institute holds the finished texts of the lectures, which given in 1899 at the Hamburg Kunsthalle, and all the original exhibition images. This event will be the first hearing of the Leonardo lectures in English, and the first viewing of the exhibition for more than a century.


All events are free to attend with prior booking, and followed by a wine reception

Jon Millington
Events and External Relations
The Warburg Institute
School of Advanced Study | University of London
Woburn Square | London WC1H 0AB
T: +44 (0)20 7862 8910 | E: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

The School of Advanced Study at the University of London is the UK's national centre for the facilitation and promotion of research in the humanities and social sciences.


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