

WOW. This is awesome!

Thanks a bazillion times! This will be super useful!



On 17/06/2019 14:34, Flandin, Guillaume wrote:
> Dear Remi,
> I slightly modified spm_mesh_contour to also be able to compute isolines
> as the underlying algorithm is actually the same, see attachment. The
> calling syntax might evolve but, for now, you can try it out with the
> following script:
> M = gifti(fullfile(spm('Dir'),'canonical',''));
> M = export(M,'patch');
> M = spm_mesh_inflate(M);
> T = randn(size(M.vertices,1),1);
> T = spm_mesh_smooth(M,T,100);
> H = spm_mesh_render('Disp',M);
> H = spm_mesh_render('Overlay',H,T);
> hold on
> t = linspace(min(T),max(T),20);
> for i=1:numel(t)
>    C = spm_mesh_contour(M,struct('T',T,'t',t(i)));
>    for j=1:numel(C)
>      plot3(C(j).xdata,C(j).ydata,C(j).zdata,'k-');
>    end
> end
> Best regards,
> Guillaume.
> On 01/06/2019 09:16, Remi gau wrote:
>> Hey SPMers,
>> I have been playing around trying to figure out how display brain
>> activation on a brain surface render by having both the beta values and
>> the contour of the significant cluster.
>> Ideally the end product would look something like the b in this figure
>> <>
>> (*) but for surfaces.
>> I suspect that this will involve using spm_mesh_render (or at least this
>> is what I have tried) but I am not entirely sure. Would fieldtrip be
>> better for this?
>> @+
>> Rémi
>> * no comment on the fact that a (good) paper on data vizualisation uses
>> a jetcolormap. :-)