

Hi All-
I have a question about systematic reviews and best practice. My students are critiquing a systematic review and in looking at it, it used other previous systematic reviews, RCT and cohort. The systematic reviews and the RCTs all over-lap in time, theoretically, would (should) contain some of the same studies, especially the RCTs.   

What is best practice? I would say that a specific study would only be allowed to be used once. By this, I would analyze to see if the studies are included in the different systematic reviews and if yes, then I would use only the specific articles and not the systematic review and its quality as a separate "study".  

Should I also see a sentence which states that they analyzed the articles included in the systematic reviews to make sure that the same articles were not being used multiple times across other systematic reviews?

Thanks in advance!
Angie Benfield, Ph.D., OTR/L


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