

Dear all in SEDA

Please feel free to share the details of the event below that is taking place at SOAS on 19th Jan. It would be great to see you here. 

Best wishes


Stammering and inclusion at universities at STUC conference

SOAS University of London will host the Stammers Through University Consultancy (STUC) event, Silence on Campus, on 19 January 2019. The conference will feature latest research, findings and discussion of stammering, specifically within the higher education domain.

SOAS Pro Director of Learning and Teaching Professor Deborah Johnston will be speaking on stammering and inclusion at universities. Other talks will cover university applications, socialising, assessment methods, academic and non-academic staff, and job interviews. [link to full programme -].

Professor Johnston said: “Stammering affects one per cent of adults worldwide, which would suggest that about 23,000 students and 4,000 staff in UK higher education struggle with this condition. However, it seems to be the most invisible of “hidden disabilities” and can have a significant impact on a student’s ability to participate in class, get involved in group work and take part in both assessed and formative verbally based exercises.”

The event will take place in the SOAS Brunei Gallery on 19 January at 10.30am – booking is required  

Dr Ian Pickup
Deputy Chief Operating Officer (Student & Academic Experience)
SOAS University of London
Thornhaugh Street
Russell Square 
London   WC1H 0XG

t  +44 (0) 20 7898 4511

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