

Dear Fred,

So often, these questions have been answered by direct mail before I can assemble my thoughts. so excuse me if I am repeating things here.

The 'evidence' for Kim's date of birth was discussed by Ann Parry in the June 1995 Kipling Journal (KJ 274), and she uses the analysis suggested by Norman Page.(Page, Norman; A Kipling Companion; Macmillan, 1984, p 151.) 

  "The specificity of the chronology in Kim is an important factor in establishing this dimension. It has been suggested that "on the basis of internal evidence . . . the dating of the action precedes by a generation or so the date of composition, and that Kim was born in 1865 and joined the Lama in 1878."6 Norman Page's line of reasoning here suggests that the novel is dealing with an India of the past; and in doing so it supports all those readings that stress the nostalgic aspects of the narrative, linking it to Kipling's own years there as a child and in early manhood. But the internal evidence of the book would suggest that the main action is specifically and deliberately related to events in the 1890s, and real occurrences in India during that period. Therefore it is likely that it is much more closely related to the time of its writing than has previously been acknowledged. In the first few weeks of their wanderings, Kim and the Lama meet a veteran soldier of the Indian Mutiny, who had been awarded the Order of British India at the Queen's Golden Jubilee in 1887. The old man speaks of this as being some years past, and his great age at the time of the meeting is stressed.7 A further clue also indicates a time-location for the text later than that suggested by Page. Kimball O'Hara, "a young colour-sergeant of the Mavericks", fought in the Second Afghan war, 1878-80, ("the big war"), married "a nurse-maid in a Colonel's family", and stayed on in India to work on the railway.8 It would be unlikely that Kim, his son, was born before the end of the Afghan campaign."   

There is also a delightfully certain letter from Regiie Harbord in KJ135 for September 1960:

  The Date of Kim's Birth 

May I reply to Mr. A. F. Minchin's letter in the June Journal and ask him if there are any records of earthquakes in Srinagar other than the one of 1st May, 1885 for I do not think we can possibly imagine KIM was born on that day. Let us agree that he was 13 when the story opens and that he must have been about 17, possibly 18 (see page 380) when he was saying good-bye to the woman of Shamlegh. If he had been born in 1885, that would have been in 1902 or 1903, but the story first appeared in December 1900. But we can date the start of the story quite accurately. Turn to page 41, line 29 and we find that the engagement at Pirzai Kotal took place "not three months gone ". The official name of that campaign was Jowaki and a bar was granted to the Indian General Service Medal of 1854-1895. The expedition lasted from 9th November, 1877 until 19th January 1878. So we can say the meeting of the Lama and Kim must have taken place early in 1878 and that means he was born in 1865 or perhaps 1866. Was there another Srinagar earthquake in those years ? 

Best regards, and all good wishes for 2019,


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On Sun, Dec 23, 2018 at 5:08 PM Fred Lerner <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
In his introduction to the NRG section on “Kim”, Sharad Keskar writes “It is significant that Kim, like Kipling, was born in 1865”. Where in the story is this specified? Is this date generally accepted, or is there disagreement among the learned? Is there in existence a published internal chronology of the story? 

(As an amateur Sherlockian I am trying to establish that Sherlock Holmes, during his wanderjahre after the incident at the Reichenbach Falls, played a role in Kimball O’Hara’s education under the disguise of Lurgan Sahib.)

Fred Lerner, D.L.S.
81 Worcester Avenue
White River Junction, Vermont 05001

(802) 295 6548
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