

Two discussion seminars to kick off 2019!
Social Investment, inclusive growth and social justice have become key phrases in the debates about how we build better and fairer economies. However, for the last 10 years austerity policies have systematically undermined any real attempt to bring about positive change. These two seminars will bring together researchers, policy makers and campaigners to consider what can be learned from the past 10 years and how future economic and social policies can make a real difference to people’s lives as well as the economy.
Both seminars will highlight the results from a four year, transnational research programme, Re‐InVEST<>. This programme sought to contribute to an EU that promotes solidarity and inclusion through an inclusive, powerful and effective social investment strategy. The Poverty Alliance has been a partner in the project in Scotland.
The first seminar Social Investment and Economic Crisis on 18 January will look at the impact of the economic crisis and subsequent austerity policies on the practice and prospects for social investment. It will highlight the findings from the RE‐InVEST project as a whole, as well as focusing on the lessons from the research carried out in the UK as part of the project. Speakers include Professor Ides Nicaise of KU Leuven, Belgium and Dr Katherine Trebeck, Research Director of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance. For more information and to register for this seminar please click here<>
The second seminar Participation, Rights and Research on 25 January will hear from researchers involved in Re-InVEST and will focus on the experience and practice of involving people with lived experience of poverty in research processes. Speakers will include Dr Mary Murphy from Maynooth University in Ireland and Professor Michael Lavalette from Liverpool Hope University.  To register or for more information click here<>
Both seminars will take place at Glasgow Caledonian University, in partnership with the Scottish Poverty and Inequality Research Unit. This research has been funded through the European Commission's Horizon 2020 programme, grant agreement No 649447.
Peter Kelly
The Poverty Alliance
3rd Floor, 94 Hope Street,
G2 6PH
t: 0141 353 0440
m: 07766 606454

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