

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to let you know that the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has launched its Midwifery Blue Top Guidance Programme. Guidance developed by the programme should be viewed as complementing other robust sources of evidence-based information such as that produced by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network and local guidance supporting the provision of safe care that achieves optimal clinical and psychosocial outcomes.

The first set of guidance is Midwifery care in labour guidance for women in all settings.  

This guidance aims to provide an accessible version of systematically produced evidence for aspects of care related to labour and birth.  It was developed in collaboration with the University of Nottingham’s Maternal Health and Wellbeing Research Group, including contributions from a multi-disciplinary Expert Advisory Group.  

Four new systematic reviews informed the work, links for which can be found in the guidance document.   

The guidance can be accessed here (open access):

A companion version to this document is also available for women and those supporting them and can be accessed here:

We hope you find the guidance useful.

Kind regards,




Mandy Forrester

Head of Quality and Standards

Visiting Fellow Bournemouth University

The Royal College of Midwives



Kind regards,




Mandy Forrester

Head of Quality and Standards

Visiting Fellow Bournemouth University

The Royal College of Midwives

15 Mansfield Street

London W1G 9NH


Tele:  0300 303 0444

Mob: 07824901466

Direct line: 0207 312 3535

Fax:   020 7312 3536








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