

I’m also interested in attending.


El El lun, nov. 19, 2018 a las 7:49 p. m., Carla Cristine Porcher <[log in to unmask]> escribió:

Dear Florian.

I am very interested in attending this workshop. Is it open to Latin America foreign? Are there still vacancies? I am Professor of Geotectonics at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and I have great interest in discussing the topic of teaching in the area. I also teach Basic Geological Mapping, Orogenesis, Geology of Central Andes (field work course) and PTt Paths in Orogenic Systems (post-grad). I know this workshop is European-centered, but even so I think it will be a great opportunit for sharing teaching experiences.

Many thanks,
Carla Porcher

Em 2018-09-14 10:55, Florian Fusseis escreveu:

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to announce a workshop on "Teaching Structural Geology and Tectonics in the 21st century" that will be held at a venue near Vienna from April 5-7, 2019, the weekend preceding the next EGU general assembly.

Over two days, we plan to brainstorm on the following broad topics in a series of curated benchmark lectures and plenary discussions, over posters, and in break-out sessions:

- How to define a successful SG&T curriculum and what are essential components thereof? How to best deal with a constrained BSc curriculum (what content goes where)? How to work with very large class sizes, how to counter low levels of student engagement and how to manage a lack of (numerical) background knowledge? How to build links to different geosciences disciplines?

- Innovative approaches to teaching structural geology and tectonics and how to best integrate modern teaching techniques (e.g. flipped classrooms, virtual outcrops, lecture recordings) and technologies (digital mapping and terrain models, numerical and analogue modelling, 3D-4D visualization, virtual reality, social media and in-class room experiments).

- Field work and strategies on how to defend it against threats from funding cuts, increasingly rigorous health and safety concerns and efforts to establish virtual field trips. Is teaching field skills outdated? Who will be teaching field skills in the future?

- Professional careers we are educating for now, and will be educating for in 25 years (e.g. applied structural geology in geothermal energy extraction/radioactive waste management/CO2 sequestration). What key skills are needed for these jobs?

The goal is to draft a white paper on the wider subject, identifying key issues and possible solutions, and to kick-start an integrated European-centered online platform for sharing teaching materials. The principal findings of this workshop will be presented and discussed at a lunch-time meeting at the EGU general assembly (as part of the short course program), where further opportunities to contribute will be outlined.

We plan for a maximum of 35 participants, ideally representing a wide range of European institutions and academic career stages with different levels of teaching experience. If you are interested in attending, please send a brief outline of your possible contribution to either myself ([log in to unmask]) or Hans de Bresser ([log in to unmask]). We aim to achieve a gender balance amongst the participants. We also aim to have 3-4 industry representatives at the workshop. Applications will be accepted until the workshop is full.

Costs will be around €300 per person for accommodation, meals and transport, and we are currently working to secure some financial support for ECRs.

With best wishes,

Florian Fusseis (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Hans de Bresser (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Bernhard Grasemann (University of Vienna, Austria)
Janos Urai (RWTH Aachen, Germany)


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