

we are using the RELION_QSUB_EXTRA1 and RELION_QSUB_EXTRA2 environment variables to change the GUI and substitute values in the submission script.

In the current git version this does not seem to work anymore.

When i search the code its still somewhere there:
./src/pipeline_jobs.cpp:		if (joboptions.find("qsub_extra2") != joboptions.end())
./src/pipeline_jobs.cpp:			replacing["XXXextra2XXX"] = joboptions["qsub_extra2"].getString();
./src/pipeline_jobs.cpp:If these options are not enough for your standard jobs, you may define two extra variables: XXXextra1XXX and XXXextra2XXX \
./src/pipeline_jobs.cpp:Their help text is set by the environment variables RELION_QSUB_EXTRA1 and RELION_QSUB_EXTRA2 \
./src/pipeline_jobs.cpp:Likewise, default values for the extra entries can be set through environment variables RELION_QSUB_EXTRA1_DEFAULT and  RELION_QSUB_EXTRA2_DEFAULT. \

this feature was quite useful. is it still available?



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