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직함: Symposium and CFP: Commemoration, memory, archive - investigating  
commemorative and memorial uses of personal, non-professional images in the  
digital age in the Global South
Commemoration, memory, archive: investigating commemorative and memorial  
uses of personal, non-professional images in the digital age in the Global  

A symposium at the Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts
University of Sussex
4th and 5th September 2018

The commemorative and memorial use of personal, private images in the  
context of large-scale violence and death has a long history. Private  
images have been continually employed to access worlds that no longer  
exist, to de-anonymize, individualize or humanize victims, to identify  
murderers and the murdered, to evidence contested events and to prove the  
existence of life before death. They populate archives, memorials and  
museums, places of public protest and, increasingly, myriad regions of the  

The private photographic...
시간: 2018. 7. 9. (월)
캘린더: [log in to unmask]
     * Juyeon Bae- 주최자
     * [log in to unmask]
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