

Dear experts, 

I am attempting to assess the effects of age on vertex-wise grey/white-matter contrast, after regressing out effects of sex and vertex-wise effects of thickness using the -evperdat flag. 

My setup for the left hemisphere is as follows: 
# Configuration file for PALM.
# Version alpha105, running in MATLAB (R2014a).

-i path/concat_n1467_lh.contrast.10.mgh 
-evperdat path/concat_n1467_lh.thickness.15.mgh 4
-s path/freesurfer_5.3.0/subjects/fsaverage/surf/lh.white
-d path/
-t path/contrast.csv
-n 10.000
-o path/

-“i” is a single .mgh file containing 1467 concatenated contrast surfaces
-“evperdat” is a single .mgh file containing 1467 concatenated thickness surfaces 

My design matrix contains 1467 rows and 4 colomns (1st for male, 2nd for female, 3rd for age and a 4th which is a dummy variable for thickness containing 0’es (I have also tried other values here).

My contrast is as follows:

The error I receive is :
{Error using zeros
Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.

Error in palm_core (line 615)
                                plm.Hz{y}{m}{c}{o} =

Error in palm (line 81)

I was wondering if this really seems to be a memory problem, or if more likely, I have set it up incorrectly? Thank you all so much in advance! 
Kind regards Linn Norbom


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