

Dear all

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> June 26th (Tue) 5:00-6:30 PM
> University of Sheffield
> The Diamond, Workroom 3
> Participatory Action Research (PAR):
> History, developments and challenges ahead
> Dr Juan Mario Diaz
> During the early 1970s, Colombian sociologist Orlando Fals-Borda (1925–2008) carried out one of the most important experiences of action-research in the Colombian setting. However, only at the beginning of the 1980s, he introduced the word ‘participation’ to define his method.  In Fals-Borda’s words, understanding ‘participation’ as a technique is to confuse the aim with the means. Methods of research such as oral history, recovery of historical memory, systematic devolution, and production and diffusion of popular knowledge were the means to achieve participation, that is, to empower marginalised communities.  
> This interactive talk on the history, principles and methods of PAR is designed to promote discussion about the prospects and challenges of PAR in (post?) conflict Colombia and similar contexts in Latin America and elsewhere. In the light of the precarious state of the peace process in Colombia, PAR projects with vulnerable communities are more important than ever since: Fals-Borda’s main concern was how to resist and overcome violence as the main (or only) way to achieve social change. The session is oriented to researchers at all levels who are planning to carry out projects based on participatory approaches, or want to discuss their own experiences in this field.
>   BIO: Juan-Mario Díaz completed a PhD in History at University of Roehampton in 2017. His doctoral research (Honorable Mention, Association of Colombianists, 2017) shed new light on the relationships between Fals-Borda’s critique of political violence in Colombia (1948–1974) and the origins and development of his social research method known as Participatory Action Research (PAR).  Currently, Juan-Mario is working on a post-doc project proposal on the role of art-based initiatives of PAR in contexts of post-conflict in Colombia.
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