

Dear Experts,

I am doing region of interest analysis by using wfu-pickatlas. I have
defined a region using aal atlas and created mask. The voxel dimension of
the mask is 2x2x2. The sMRI voxel dimension is 1x1x1. And the voxel
dimension of SPMT map is 1.5x1.5x1.5. I have few questions regarding this.

1. Since there is difference in the voxel dimension, the mask has to be
co-registered. With which image should I co-registered, with sMRI or with
SPMT map? My understanding is that since result is displayed using SPM T
map, the mask image has to be  co-registered with SPM T map. Am I correct?

2. I have to perform ROI analysis for 8 regions. Should I create mask for
all  8 regions or can I make mask separately?

3. How to calculate the voxel volume of a particulate coordinate?

Thanks in advance