

Dear Robin,

This sounds like a good opportunity to listen to someone who is a key education policy maker in Nepal. As I have interests in educational policies in Nepal, I wondered if the talk was going to be recorded and made available to those who can't attend the event.

Many thanks.

Best wishes,

Dr Prithvi N. Shrestha
Senior Lecturer | School of Languages and Applied Linguistics
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies | The Open University | Milton
Keynes MK7 6AA | United Kingdom
Direct line: +44(0) 1908 654265
Work details: 
Current Projects:  IELTS research (Bangladesh & Nepal); ETS/ TOEFL iBT and EMI (Nepal & Sweden)
Twitter: @pnshrestha  <>
Recent publications:

Construct validity of the Nepalese school leaving English reading test, Educational Assessment, DOI: 10.1080/10627197.2018.1430511

On 21 May 2018 at 14:49, Robin Shields <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hello All,

I'd like  to invite you to a relevant seminar on 07 June in London, at 17:30. Dr Hari Lamsal, Joint Secretary at the Ministry of Education in Nepal will be at UCL Institute of Education speaking on "Federalism and Education Policy in Nepal: Challenges, Dilemmas and Opportunities." Dr Hari is a good speaker and well-versed in the realities of contemporary educational policy making in Nepal. 

The seminar is hosted by Dr Tejendra Pherali at the Centre for Education and International Development at UCL. You can register at the link below

Best Wishes,

Robin Shields