

Early bird registration is open!

*CVM Symposium 2018: Exploring and Preserving Visual MusicAugust 14-16,
Sonoma County, CAIn association with Sonoma State University*
<> *

The *CVM Symposium 2018: Exploring and Preserving Visual Music* will
explore the theories, histories and practices of Visual Music. It features
two days of talks and presentations from international scholars, artists,
students, curators and researchers (August 14-15), plus a final half day
(Aug 16). Set in Sonoma County's wine county, the Symposium also includes
special events such as an Opening Reception at a winery the evening of
August 13. A series of screenings occur throughout of historical and
contemporary visual music works.

CVM is pleased to present this symposium in association with Sonoma State
University at their Rohnert Park campus in Sonoma County, CA (approximately
one hour and 15 minutes north of San Francisco).

The preview program is online, and early bird registration is open (at a
discounted price). The *CVM Symposium 2018 *features talks on music
visualization, mapping musical scores, sonification, IML & visual music
performance, color organs, hybrid analog/digital live performance, 1960s
psychedelic light shows, oscilloscopes, preserving video processing
instruments, Oskar Fischinger & Raumlichtkunst, James Whitney, Norman
McLaren, John Cage, and much more.

best regards,
Cindy Keefer
Center for Visual Music
CVM email = cvmaccess (at)
