


the Bibliographic Ontology (Bibo) has been down for several weeks now. 
As this is the second time in two years that the ontology is not 
available for some time, I think it would be best to give hosting of 
this ontology into the hands of a more stable organization. I couldn't 
think of a better fit than DCMI. I asked on the Bibo mailing list 
whether it would be ok for the creators to let DCMI take over Bibo 
hosting and they would be ok with it.

Now the question is whether DCMI is actually interested in taking over 
Bibo hosting. Bibo has been an important ontology for representing 
bibliographic data in RDF for quite some time. Over time, it got more 
and more competition by ontologies from the library world (RDA, Bibframe 
etc.) and Anyway, it is still used in several data sets 
(e.g. several bibliographic data sets from German library service 
centers). Also, it is already linked to DC terms, e.g. in specializing 
some of its properties (e.g. dct:contributor).

What do you think about taking over the hosting? Is this something DCMI 
could do?

All the best