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Foreign Scholar Lecture Series by IPSS: National Institute of Population and Social Security Research in Japan

国立社会保障・人口問題研究所 公開特別講演会


"ESSPROS: How comparative statistics on social protection benefits and their financing are produced and utilized for the EU social protection policy?"
Date and time: 13:00 - 15:00, March 19 (Monday), 2018

Place: IPSS Meeting Room No.4, 6th floor, Hibiya Kokusai Building, 2-2-3 Uchisaiwai-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo MAP

Lecturer: Giuliano Amerini (Administrator, UnitF-5 Education, Health and Social protection, EUROSTAT)


Mr. Giuliano Amerini has engaged in Eurostat for more than 25 years. He is currently in charge of ESSPROS (European system of integrated social protection statistics) and SHA (System of Health Account) at the unit F5- Education, Health and Social Protection statistics. Before joining his current position, he worked in Eurostat in different domains such as price statistics, financial statistics, and government finance statistics. In this seminar, he will give us a lecture on the history, legal basis and methodology of ESSPROS. He will also introduce some examples where ESSPROS was utilized for making and monitoring social protection policies in EU.

ESSPROS Manual available from here

Presentation and discussion will be given in English (Japanese translation is provided).

This seminar is a part of a research project,Research on improving social protection financial statistics, supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. IPSS will produce the ESSPROS-based statistics of Japan in next five years under National Statistics Plan 2018-2022.

Please register from here

国立社会保障・人口問題研究所 公開特別講演会

■日時  2018年3月19日(月)13:00~15:00

■場所  国立社会保障・人口問題研究所(日比谷国際ビル6F 第4会議室)

■講演者 ギウリアーノ・アメリニ(EU統計局 教育・医療・社会保護統計課 アドミニストレーター)

■題目  EU統計局における欧州社会保護統計(ESSPROS)の作成とEU社会保護政策における同統計の活用



* ご講演は英語、日本語逐次通訳つき。




Senior researcher

National Institute of Population and Social Security Research in Japan

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