

Hi SPMers,
I have a problem with VBM8 data processing. I have no idea how to normalize the fMRI data to the customized Dartel template.
My steps for generating the template and subsequent normalization was as following:
1)  “Estimate and Write” module: select the option 'DARTEL export' and 'affine' for 'Gray matter' and 'White matter' in Writing Options; select the option 'Image->Template (forward)' for 'Deformation Field'  (outputs: rp1*_affine.nii, rp2*_affine.nii and y_r*.nii)
2)  'Run DARTEL (create Templates) module': Use the  rp1*_affine.nii , rp2*_affine.nii generated in step1 as inputs (outputs: Template_0~6.nii and u_r*.nii)
3) 'Normalise to MNI space' module: Select Template_6.nii as Dartel Template and use the origin T1 images as input image files.

My question is that, is my processing correct and how can I normalize the individual fMRI data using the same transformation in T1? 
And another question is that how can I get the transformation information which warped the p1*.nii to rp1*_affine.nii?
