

Members may be interested in this post-doc below.

Dear all

Members may be interested in this post-doc fellowship, details below and via the link.



The Centre for Research in Primary and Community Care (CRIPACC) at the University of Hertfordshire is advertising a 5-year post-doc fellowship; the closing date for is 21 August.
Food, obesity and young people – working with Professor Wendy Wills
The person appointed will have a doctoral level qualification and a minimum of one peer reviewed publication. This Fellowship is an opportunity to develop world-leading research relating to young people, food and/or obesity. Depending on the interests of applicants, this might include research on the influence of poverty and inequality on food practices and experiences of obesity or the way that family or school contexts shape what young people eat and their perceptions of weight. Applicants will have strong social science and qualitative methodological skills and be knowledgeable about the public health context for their research.
Wendy Wills
Professor of Food and Public Health
Director, Centre for Research in Primary and Community Care (CRIPACC)
University of Hertfordshire
Tel: +44 (0)1707 286380 or 07595 344306