

Hello all - I'm leading a Lorentz Centre workshop at the University of Leiden in August on the topic of inclusion in vocational education and work, the endpoint of which will be a research-based policy document. Participants are collaboratively preparing a draft version in advance, which has been divided up between workgroups who are looking at various goals and barriers. I'm involved with the workgroup that's looking at one of those barriers - bullying.

I have not found an amazing amount of strong research in this area.Almost all of the disability-related bullying research that I have found is about primary or secondary school, with some focused on universities. What I'm looking for here is research (good policy documents are also very welcome) from apprenticeship programmes, vocational training, vocational schools, on-the-job training etc. The primary/secondary stuff is great for looking at factors in bullying, but thepolicy suggestions and solutions are often not appropriate for adults or adult education settings.

When it comes to work, there is some (mostly questionnaire-based) research that scopes out the problem as it relates to disabled workers (often in professional or large workplaces rather than SMEs, social enterprises, or unskilled/semi-skilled workplaces) but I've found more anecdote, or rather anodyne 'policy statements,' than solid research.

I am also very keen to find information that is not North American/European, as I'm sure bullying can take different forms in different cultures, and especially in the ''informal'' work sector.

So, dear colleagues, if you can signpost me to things I may be missing due to my limited journal access as an independent scholar, or that may be in languages other than English or Dutch, or that you just think is too excellent to miss, I would really appreciate it!


Dr. Mitzi Waltz
Disability Studies in Nederland
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