

By default, bounding boxes and voxel sizes are taken from the TPMs used by the segmentation.  These are set in these lines of spm_preproc_write8.m, whereby NaNs denote using some sort of default:

if nargin<7, bb = NaN(2,3);   end % Default to TPM bounding box
if nargin<8, vx = NaN;        end % Default to TPM voxel size

Best regards,

On 16 September 2015 at 16:24, Julien Sein <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I have a comment related to this question, but this time using the function "Segment" from SPM12: How do I specify the size of the imported data for dartel? The function spm_preproc_write8.m does not contain the line : " vx=1.5  "

Thank you very much for your help!

Best regards,
