

Hi, Mogg -

Re: angel magic; students are still actively
dissuaded from pursuing the Judaic contributions
( "oriental, not Western" ) and it is still argued
in some circles that Judaism has little or nothing
to do with the grimoires being (re-)produced and
circulated throughout Europe during the Middle
Ages / Renaissance.

Of course, the same argument is trotted out for
the Arabic material - texts such as the *Ghayat
al-Hakim* / *Picatrix* notwithstanding.

Happily, there is some evidence that magical
studies are growing beyond the narrow confines
of the "Latin Christian West" - see, for example,
Sophie Page's piece in Claire Fanger's recent
(and long awaited) *Invoking Angels : Theurgic
Ideas and Practices, Thirteenth to Sixteenth
Centuries* :

the Liber de essentia spirituum
and the Liber Razielis"
by Sophie Page
(FreePreview @ GoogleBooks)

The introduction to Magdalino's and Mavroudi's
*The Occult Sciences in Byzantium* is also
worth a look for its subtle indictment of those
who would define 'magical' endeavour in the
'West' solely and narrowly within the confines
of 'orthodox' 'Christianity' < feel free to
add your own problematizing semi-quotes to the
above paragraph >.

It, too, is available for preview on GoogleBooks
but, sadly, the greater portion of the intro is
unavailable :

*The Occult Sciences in Byzantium*
edited by Paul Magdalino & Maria V. Mavroudi
(Free Preview @ GoogleBooks)

There appear to be several downloads of
the above text available by way of
Google <coughscribdcough> search.

Cors in Manu Domine,

- Khem Caigan
"Heat and Moisture are Active to Generation;
Cold and Dryness are Passive, in and to each Thing;
Fire and Air, Active by Elementation;
Water and Earth, Passive to Generation."

*Of the Division of Chaos*
-Dr. Simon Forman