

MedConfidential provides a really useful service in unziping the Board
papers published by HSCIC.
Among the Background Papers for Information for the March Board meeting on
31st March is one on Streamlining the Independent  Information Governance
Advice to the HSCIC: The future of the GP Extraction Service Independent
Advisory Group
In it the GPES IAG is described:-
"GP Extraction Service Independent Advisory Group [GPES IAG]
The GPES Independent Advisory Group was established in 2012. It is another
advisory group set under the auspices of the NHS Information Centre and now
operated by the HSCIC. It was established to provide advice to the HSCIC on
proposed customer use of the GPES system and in particular to provide
oversight/assurance to GPs that data for which they were data controllers
was being used in an acceptable manner, delivering benefits for patients
whilst protecting patient confidentiality and privacy. There are a number of
GPs and retired GPs who are members of this group. Like the DAAG it is an
advisory group and not a decision taking body.
It does not have a role in GP extractions which do not take place via the
GPES system nor a role outside general practitioners to other disciplines or
(this description seems to bear little resemblance to the GPES IAG TOR
where it is clear that the role is to recommend whether or not the request
should 'proceed to extraction' - and as for composition, see the membership
in the TOR.)

"Current situation
The current advisory system appeared confusing for customers, duplicating
effort in some places and having gaps in others. HSCIC information
governance systems needed to change following the Partridge Review and the
Care Act 2014 and the question was how?
1. An internal review of the HSCIC IG Advisory Structures was undertaken by
David Evans, senior IG adviser called CAG, DAAG, GPES IAG - now and tomorrow
2. A piece of work led by the Deputy Caldicott Guardian Dr Alan Hasssey and
supported by Dawn Foster the HSCIC Head of Information Governance looked at
how to make the current DAAG process better in terms of efficiency,
effectiveness and customer experience whilst addressing short falls exposed
by the Health Select Committee
3. Operational planning work with the DH, HRA and HSCIC began to explore the
optimum way of working for HSCIC to receive CAG advice and both processes to
avoid duplication, improve efficiency and improve customer experience.
The conclusions were that GPES IAG structure and function should be:
*	. Subsumed into the SCCI structure and process for collections and
initial flows and
*	. Subsumed into the new DAAG structures and processes and this
should be consulted upon and
*	. DAAG should be re-named and
*	. This should be undertaken openly in full view of the National Data
Guardian such that any significant concerns could be made directly known to
the HSCIC Board.
The proposed process is set out below:
1. To plan that GPES IAG will close on June 30th 2015
2. That the responsibilities of GPES IAG will be transferred to SCCI and the
new DAAG
3. That a consultation on the new DAAG will be conducted by Nicholas
Oughtibridge ( who will attend GPES IAG meeting as part of that
4. That the consultation will either be an informal consultation with
important stakeholders, a consultation including the public (taking
approximately 5 weeks) or a public consultation that will take a minimum of
12 weeks with further time to collate and publish findings
5. The current preference is for a consultation with the public but that
this decision needs to be made by the HSCIC Board on 29th April 2015
6. If the decision is for a public consultation then the proposed date of
start for new DAAG (July 1st ) will inevitably be later particularly as
pre-election restrictions will interfere and that a start date of August
2015 is more likely
7. The SCCI proposal which is currently held by Dave Roberts and Gwen Smith
will be a informal consultation including GP stakeholders hopefully
resulting in a final proposal that will be accepted by SCCI on 29th April
8. The SCCI proposal is not part of the new DAAG consultation
9. That the SCCI processes are curently being reviewed and the SCCI proposal
will be part of that review
10. If the new DAAG is not fully formed on July 1st 2015 then the GPES IAG
responsibilities for the dissemination of data by the HSCIC from GP clinical
systems will transfer to [old] DAAG in the interim period before new DAAG is
 I'm not clear whether the decisions of SCCI to approve (or not approve)
data collections from general practice patient records can be considered to
be in any way "Independent" advice - and if I was still in practice, I
certainly would not feel reassured that it SCCI would "provide
oversight/assurance to GPs that data for which they were data controllers
was being used in an acceptable manner, delivering benefits for patients
whilst protecting patient confidentiality and privacy"!
Mary Hawking
Save the date
PHCSG AGM & Annual Conference 15th/16th October 2015