

Ah, early like that sly turn (or gateway leaving) at the end, Max. A dog apparently is a useful muse….

On Jan 28, 2015, at 9:12 AM, Max Richards <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>     Happy Fall
> When, out walking, I saw
> in the thrift shop window
> a metal sign that said
> just this: 'Happy Fall'
> with a kitschy owl 
> perched above the double L
> I knew I was in strange
> territory. Devotees of
> the seasons, back from their
> summer break, must need
> something before Hallowe’en
> set seriously in - out of storage
> come garden and front-porch
> clobber, the pumpkins,
> the spooky odds and ends.
> But first: Happy Fall,
> at least for a minority.
> Theologians, are they?
> If Adam and Eve hadn’t
> brought into the world
> all the misery of being fallen,
> there’d have been no need
> for the Saviour. How fortunate
> after all, that mightiest lapse!
> So thinking, I turned for home,
> exercised, likewise my dog.
> The seasons revolved,
> observant householders
> varied their decor, saying
> to each other Happy Holidays.
> The town was all lit up,
> even the building cranes.
> Given the advent of not
> just Santa but midwinter
> solstice, tizzying up 
> the place with jazzy lights
> made sense as combatting
> seasonal affective disorder,
> SAD for short. Snow came,
> lingered, melted, cleared.
> Rain came, and through it all
> I walked the dog. Through
> dampening dawns and dripping
> dusks, on paths equipped
> with stumbling blocks and slipping
> spots. Take care! we told ourselves.
> And just last week, it so fell out,
> our first fall befell us - fortunate!
> It might have needed first aid,
> a stretcher and an ambulance.
> All it needed was a stifled cry,
> a slow-mo spread-eagling,
> a gathering in of spun spectacles.
> What a spectacle I’d made of us!
> with no one to see, no one running
> saying We heard your shout,
> are you OK? We’re OK,
> we tell the empty street.
> The world is all before us,
> home not too far away.
> Rejoined by the leather leash,
> my dog and I with wandering
> steps and slow, down Bellevue
> Avenue, take our solitary way.
> How was it out? the mistress
> asks. Rain…fall...happy, we say.
>                             [Seattle, WA, USA]

Douglas Barbour
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Recent publications: (With Sheila E Murphy) Continuations & Continuation 2 (UofAPress).
Recording Dates (Rubicon Press).

that we are only
as we find out we are

	Charles Olson