

Thanks to all the FoW members who responded to Nick’s call to action with a variety of excellent suggestions.


I have one observation and a proposal to share.


It is important to recognize that we are all pushing in the same direction, but along different paths.

The attached diagram attempts to show that:
1) Nick’s approach of “increase wisdom” in general so we make wiser choices,

2) Lee’s approach of “rethink money” so it does not distract us from realizing that the best things in life are (or should be) free, and

3) Ian’s approach of “fix government” so it better represents what people truly want


are three complementary paths toward a common goal of greater well-being.

It is helpful to emphasize the common goal rather than the differences in approach. See:


Regarding a platform for our work, I suggest we each join “Best Thinking” and follow each other and support each other’s work there.

Please join me there at:


I recommend this because:
1) The Best Thinking platform is available, works well, and is used by many thinkers.

2) We can remain a community simply by deciding to follow each other’s work.

3) The platform is open in that many thoughtful people we have never met are already using the forum to share ideas.

4) Most of us have our own blogs and other forums we use as creative outlets. These can continue. Simply repost consequential articles to your best thinking account so we can all be aware of the work.

5) The global Circle initiative, begun by Nick about a year ago, has not yet caught on. I hope that  “external energy” from many best thinning members can help sustain and grow the efforts.


Let’s go!




Lee Beaumont