

Dear Noki,
Thanks very much for your helpful prompt.
All the best.


Rujing Zha

发件人:平林 直樹 <[log in to unmask]>
发送时间:2013-12-09 05:46
主题:Re: [SPM] gray matter density and volume obtained from vbm8 toolbox of SPM8
收件人:"SPM"<[log in to unmask]>

Dear Rujing,

The wrp1- image is normalised image.

m   modulated
m0 modulated non-linear only
w   warped
r    dartel warped
p    segmented
1   GM

I recommend you read Structural Brain Mapping Group website(, about the second question.

All the best!

--- On Thu, 2013/12/5, Rujing Zha <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear Naoki,
Thanks very much for your precious reply.
Here is my another two questions: 
1, I saw the VBM8-Toolbox help and the m0* image is Modulated normalized, but I donot determine whether wrp1* is Normalised which didnot modulate.
2,The second quetion is principle of VBM. As I know, each voxel has a intensity value in GM volume. I want to know how intensity value in each voxel can represent GM density and volume in each voxel. Can you briefly explain it or just suggest a related paper or introduction about this?
All the best.


Rujing Zha

发件人:平林 直樹<[log in to unmask]>
发送时间:2013-12-05 15:36
主题:Re: [SPM] gray matter density and volume obtained from vbm8 toolbox of SPM8
收件人:"SPM"<[log in to unmask]>

Dear Rujing,

You can get the GM density by "Normalized" images.
You can get the GM volume by "Modulated normalized" images.

 Best wishes!
Naoki Hirabayashi

--- On Wed, 2013/12/4, Rujing Zha <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear all,
I read the vbm8-toolbox manual, and I found a option "Modulated normalized - non linear only". If I select this option, I will get a relative region GM volume, which is corrected for individual brain size. 
I want to know how I can get the GM density in VBM8 toolbox of SPM8.
All the best.


Rujing Zha