


One thing to try if other ideas don't work or are too difficult, is covalently (therefore unambiguously) labelling a little of your protein with a fluorescent dye.  If you add 20 nL of this to the drop after the crystals have grown, protein crystals will light up, but salt crystals will not.  Thermo make some very easy-to-use kits for labelling.  See methods section of our paper Cryst. Growth Des., 2011, 11 (8), pp 3432–3441.

Could you also label the DNA   . . .   ?

Hope it helps, best wishes, Patrick

On 15 April 2013 11:18, Careina Edgooms <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear ccp4

I have been performing trials on a protein DNA complex for a while now and have not seen any crystals form. Today I checked an old plate (over a month old) and I see 4 large crystals. *excitement* Three of them look tetragonal in shape (like a pyramid) and one of them looks hexagonal. I do not know if they are salt or protein. There is calcium chloride in the buffer. They feel quite soft to touch. They do not cause much birefringence. One of them does not seem to absorb much izit. It did go a bit blue but not entirely.

How can I tell if this crystal is protein or not? Do you think its worth trying to see how it diffracts?

Also, does Izit affect diffraction/ protein structures at all? Could I use a crystal with Izit in a diffraction experiment and ultimately to get the structure?


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