

On comparing sample course searches on theatre arts courses, our main ( website has significantly higher ranked theatre arts course pages than the dedicated department site ( in three out of four searches, using variants of the course title (with and without qualification). The descriptive course content appears to vary slightly between sites. There are other factors to consider (such as we do not use course or departmental titles in URLs on the main site, different markup and editorial approaches). Certainly the main site has more inward links (139 to 1 according to Google).

Does anyone have any examples of a school/faculty/department website outperforming the main site in key searches for courses?

Tavis Reddick
Web Developer
Adam Smith College

Our School of Management has requested to register their own domain to enhance their SEO rankings as being part of the main domain (<>) is seen to be diluting their rankings.  JANET wouldn't let us at first but then our School of Management argued that other Business Schools have them registered, e.g.
We're looking at the issues around branding and positioning separately, but in terms of domain strategies generally do any of you have them in terms of who can and can't have their own </quote>


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