

Peter Murray <[log in to unmask]>
> > By the way, why's the F-word missing from the logo on
> > It would be nice to see freedom reintroduced there.
> An oversight between the graphics design group and the technology
> group.  I hope to have it resolved soon.


> >> Anyone that has registered for an account (which just requires a
> >> valid e-mail address) can add a package:
> >>
> >> 
> >> well as any of the other content types (Event, Release,
> >> Provider, and Institution).  If you're seeing something that is
> >> preventing you from doing that, please let me know.
> > 
> > Sadly it requires more than a valid email address.
> You and I have exchanged e-mail about this in the recent past.  I am
> willing to try turning it off, but there is limited people bandwidth
> to monitor for malicious activity at the moment.  If it gets bad,
> I'll need to turn it back on.

I acknowledge any open-for-contributions site will need some anti-spam
tools.  Maybe tactics along the lines described at would help.

But discriminating against disabled users is very poor form.

> > It looks like it's using drupal: can people be allowed to login with
> > OpenID without the eyetest, please?  That would open access to users
> > of Wordpress/Livejournal/Google/Yahoo/...and places that do allow
> > registrations from people with imperfect eyesight.
> I can add that to a future development list.

I'm 99% certain that OpenID is in drupal Core.  Surely it only needs
configuring, not developing?

Thanks for thinking about the non-product-specific providers.

Hope that helps,
MJ Ray (slef), member of, a for-more-than-profit co-op. supporter, web and library systems developer.
In My Opinion Only: see
Available for hire (including development) at