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From: K. Loganathan <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 14 January 2012 01:34
Subject: [akandabaratam] The Icons Disclose Truths even Beyond Scriptures
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Image Worship, so ill understood by the world at large is central to Agamic Hinduism only because it promotes Icon Thinking as explained by the Verse below by Sambantar. More such verses at:


The Metatheism of Sambantar-2

Tevarat TirumuRai 3:25  Tiruntu Tevan Kudi

தேவரத் திருமுறை 3:25 : திருந்து தேவன் குடி

The Icons Disclose Truths even Beyond Scriptures

The Hermeneutic philosophers of the West like Heidegger Gadamer and so forth while pointing out that understanding is linguistical, have failed to point out that there are post-linguistical forms of metaphysical understanding where deep insights are gained through Icon Thinking and which in its turn lead the mind into the higher Mantra Thinking already  contained in some rudimentary form in Shamanism.   Thus we can say that the whole of the West still remains BLIND to metaphysical truths that Icon Thinking can afford an individual. This may explain why Temple Worship, already so well developed in Sumerian times itself, continues to this day at least among the Dravidian folks and this despite the attacks on it by Vedism Buddhism (of the non-Tantric variety) Jainism and so forth. After a temporary relapse and lose, it  re-asserted itself during the Bakti Period (5th- 9th cent AD) with a new depth of understanding where astute but dry and soul suffocating logical and linguistic thinking was displaced by the Icon Thinking such as that as Punitavati Poykai Azwar and so forth and which is RECOVERY of the Icon Thinking of the Sumerians such as En Hudu Anna and so forth.

They saw that deep and interrogative engagements with the Icons worshiped, seeking the MEANINGS they hide within their form and functions helped them to gain metaphysical insights that were not possible by an ardent study of scriptures.

The icons they worship so ardently install themselves in the deepest layers of the mind, and remaining there slowly unfold deep metaphysical TRUTHS through modifying not only thinking as such but also more fundamentally the SEEING itself. The eyes are OPENED up further and with that what were beyond the vision before now come into the vision. The BLINDNESS is destroyed with more illuminations of the most meaningful sort and which is  curative in their effect. The karmas and such other defilers within are destroyed just like sunlight destroys the prevailing darkness.

The curative effect of the metaphysical illuminations is certainly one of the reasons why temple culture continues as the earliest and the most enduring aspect of religious life.


வீதி போக்காவன வினையை வீட்டுவன
ஓதி ஓர்க்கப்படாப் பொருளை ஓர்விப்பன
தீதில் தேவன்குடித் தேவர் தேவெய்திய
ஆதி அந்தமிலா அடிகள் வேடங்களே


அஞ்ஞான இருளில் கிடக்கும் ஆன்மாக்களுக்கு ஞானம் புகட்டுவான் வேண்டி பல வேடங்களைத் தரித்து விளையாடும் இறைவன், தனக்கு ஆதியாகவும் அந்தமாகவும் வேறு யாதுமின்றி விளங்கும் அவன் , அதனால் தேவர் தேவாக விளங்கும் அவன், இந்த தீது யாமில்லா தேவன்குடி எய்து அங்கே வீற்றிருக்கின்றான். அவனது திருவேடங்களை ஆழச் சிந்த்தித்து ஞானத்தெளிவுகளைப் பெறுவார்கட்கு இவை ஞானவறியர் ஆக்கி வீதியில் சென்று ஞானபிச்சை கேட்குமா திரியவிடாது என்பதொடு எல்லா துன்பங்களுக்கும் இன்னல்களுக்கும் இடர்பாடுகளுக்கும் மூலமாய கன்மத் தளையை ஆகவே ஆணவம் மாயேயம் போன்ற மலங்களையும் களைவன. அத்தோடு எவ்வாறு முயன்றும் ஞானநூற்களை ஓதி பெறமுடியா  ஆழுண்மைகளை இந்த திருவேட ஆழச்சிந்தனை எய்யத் தந்து உதவும் என்பதாம்.


viiti pookkaavana vinaiyai viidduvana
ooti oorkkappadaap poruLai oorvippana
tiitil teevankudit teevar teeveytiya
aati antamilaa AdikaL veedaGkaLee


BEING has no beginnings and end but a POWER unto Himself as He can withdraw His presence and re-issue it i.e. cause His death and rebirth.  Such a BEING wears many guises to illuminate the mind of the ignorant creatures and sits in the pure temple of Tiru Teevan Kudi in various Icon Forms.  Those who meditate upon them and wrest out the MEANINGS hidden there will not be driven to the streets to beg for metaphysical wisdom. In addition to that they will be CURED by being freed of the karmas that are the sources of all ailments. But most importantly this semiotic exercises will disclose TRUTHS that are beyond the ardent and deep studies of the scriptures.


The most important phrase in this verse is “ ooti oorkkappadaa poruLai oorvippana”  and which means that Icon Thinking discloses truths that are impossible to gain by deep studies of scriptures. Sambantar was born a Vedic Brahmin and so this is very significant in pointing out he departed from Vedism for it is Vedism in India that claimed that only the studies of the Vedas and performing the rituals recommended there,  are efficacious in purifying the souls of the karmas, the source of all evils.

Sambantar destroys this believe that indirectly sought to displace temple worship and along with it the metaphysical disciplines of Icon Thinking, Hermeneutic Semiotics and so forth with Yajnas and recital of Vedic Slokas. It is NOT an accident that Vedci and Vedantic traditions do not promote Icon thinking and so forth.  BEING is BEYOND language for anything linguistic is ephemeral - they will die out unless maintained by a tradition of chanters and which is NOT true of Njanam, the Supreme Illumination that readies the soul for the final redemption of Moksa.

While in a  way this also applies to ICON THINKING as well  but it  evolves into Mantra Thinking that is FREE of any figural thinking including the iconic. Within the IMAGE of these icons there are TRUTHS which unfold within the contemplative mind and which are BEYOND words and hence scriptures i.e Icon Thinking leads to its own death and rebirth into Mantra Thinking.

The IMAGES of the icon sorts, the Muurtties are not only prelinguistic but also post-linguistic - they contain within themselves TRUTHS that are beyond words. While scriptures trap the mind into words and seek to keep the mind arrested thus, the ICONS promote a further EVOLUTION into non-iconic mantra thinking. Thus it is not an accident that it is within Hermeneutic Semiotics that Mantra Thinking also developed and baktas like Sambantar Appar and so forth also sang many beautiful Mantra Hymns.

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